Friday, August 21, 2020

Family Assessment and Intervention Model

Question: Examine about theFamily Assessment and Intervention Model. Answer: Presentation The Family Assessment and Intervention Model develops the premise of framework hypothesis that is altered and stretched out to have a primary spotlight in general family rather than a solitary person. As per this model, the families are considered as an open and dynamic framework that communicates with their condition. One of the most significant jobs played by the families is helping and shielding their relatives from any sort of saw dangers. The essential structure of the family, its capacity, vitality, procedures, and qualities are the center parts ofthe family framework. Subsequently, this fundamental structure of the family ought to consistently be ensured. The family is the person who builds up the line of barrier for assurance as a versatile measure in the event that the family framework is undermined by any sort of stressor (Kaakinen, 2010). Nonetheless, it has been seen that the family frameworks are inclined towards pressures that are created by any sort of stressors in the family. Thus, there is an unevenness from the typical arrangement of homeostasis in the framework and result in the arrangement of wellbeing occasions. Consequently, the hypothesis clarifies the principle issue of pressure and its effect on the family all in all, and gives arrangement based on qualities and vulnerabilities of the family (Feetham, 2013). Contextual analysis: Mr. X who lives with his significant other was found in a mental ward because of burdensome musings and states of mind. Mr. X and his better half has as of late moved to their new loft and has a bustling timetable. As them two are working, they for the most part wind up eating outside. Prior, Mr.X and his better half used to live with his entire family, however as of late they have moved and lived alone. In addition, Mr. X would get advancement yet his advancement was deferred multiple times for specific reasons. He misses his folks as he used to live with his folks since youth. His folks visit him periodically, yet he feels low at whatever point they leave him. Mr. X and his better half both invested energy with one another on ends of the week and consistently eat together. Be that as it may, as his better half has her office in early hours of the day, on weekdays she is by all accounts occupied and doesnt have quality time with his significant other. However, a t whatever point her significant other doesnt feel well, she disappears from her office and goes to the emergency clinic together. As per the model, the stressor in the family is a division of Mr. X from his family, delay in his advancement for multiple times, and lacking quality time with his significant other. The qualities of the family are support for one another, investing energy in ends of the week, eating together, trust, and satisfactory pay. Through this model, the qualities and stressors are comprehended, and will be utilized for beating the pressure of the family and wellbeing of Mr. X. Henceforth, with the assistance of this model, an organized methodology towards the appraisal of the family and intercession is accomplished. The attention on qualities of the family is the one of a kind methodology of this model. In any case, the shortcoming of this model is that it is explicitly utilized just when the family enters the human services framework and is pertinent when a medical issue happens and contributes towards stressors (Kaakinen, 2010). References Feetham, S. (2013). Book Review: Nurses and families: A manual for family appraisal and intervention.Journal Of Family Nursing,19(2), 274-275. Kaakinen, J. (2010).Family medicinal services nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.

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