Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Free Essays on Love And Sacrifice

Great morning everybody. Today I will talk on adoration and penance. My instances of adoration and penance are from the book â€Å"Jillaroo† by Rachael Treasure, the tune â€Å"Butterfly Kisses† by Bob Carlisle, and the film â€Å"Ring of fire† created by Paramount pictures. In the story â€Å"Jillaroo†, there are numerous types of adoration and Sacrifice. Rebecca Saunders forfeits her place on the family’s property â€Å"Water’s Meeting† to escape from her dad. While taking a shot at a station in the Northern Territory as a Jillaroo, Rebecca becomes hopelessly enamored with a man named Charlie Lewis (AKA. Basil Lewis, B N S King) Rebecca needs to forfeit the adoration for her life, Charlie, for her property â€Å"Waters Meeting†. Rebecca penances all that she has throughout her life for Charlie, however little did Bec Know being with Charlie implied yielding her opportunity and all the cultivating strategies she knew and adored all to live with Charlie and his Family. The â€Å"song butterfly kisses† is about a dad who experiences as long as he can remember dealing with his little girl and having her everything to himself to cherish then he forfeits her to be hitched. In this tune the verses state she’ll make a guarantee, and I’ll part with her. Remaining in the bride’s room simply gazing at her, she asked me what I’m thinking and I said ‘I’m not certain; I simply feel I’m loosing my child girl’. These verses clarify precisely how the dad feels. The film, â€Å"Ring of Fire† is an awesome case of adoration and penance. After a genuine bull riding mishap Ely Braxton is advised never to ride bulls again. Ely’s sweetheart Connie try’s to make Ely surrender rodeo. Ely forfeits Connie for his affection for bull riding. Hank, Ely’s sibling is getting along with Celia Jones. Ely inadvertently takes Celia from Hank. Ely then acknowledges what he has done and forfeits Celia for Hank’s purpose. At long last Hank makes a definitive penance (his life) while attempting to spare Ely from ... Free Essays on Love And Sacrifice Free Essays on Love And Sacrifice Great morning everybody. Today I will talk on affection and penance. My instances of affection and penance are from the book â€Å"Jillaroo† by Rachael Treasure, the tune â€Å"Butterfly Kisses† by Bob Carlisle, and the film â€Å"Ring of fire† created by Paramount pictures. In the story â€Å"Jillaroo†, there are numerous types of adoration and Sacrifice. Rebecca Saunders forfeits her place on the family’s property â€Å"Water’s Meeting† to escape from her dad. While chipping away at a station in the Northern Territory as a Jillaroo, Rebecca experiences passionate feelings for a man named Charlie Lewis (AKA. Basil Lewis, B N S King) Rebecca needs to forfeit the adoration for her life, Charlie, for her property â€Å"Waters Meeting†. Rebecca penances all that she has throughout her life for Charlie, yet little did Bec Know being with Charlie implied relinquishing her opportunity and all the cultivating procedures she knew and adored all to live with Charlie and his Family. The â€Å"song butterfly kisses† is about a dad who experiences as long as he can remember dealing with his little girl and having her everything to himself to cherish then he forfeits her to be hitched. In this tune the verses state she’ll make a guarantee, and I’ll part with her. Remaining in the bride’s room simply gazing at her, she asked me what I’m thinking and I said ‘I’m not certain; I simply feel I’m loosing my infant girl’. These verses clarify precisely how the dad feels. The film, â€Å"Ring of Fire† is a generally excellent case of affection and penance. After a genuine bull riding mishap Ely Braxton is advised never to ride bulls again. Ely’s sweetheart Connie try’s to make Ely surrender rodeo. Ely forfeits Connie for his affection for bull riding. Hank, Ely’s sibling is getting along with Celia Jones. Ely coincidentally takes Celia from Hank. Ely then acknowledges what he has done and forfeits Celia for Hank’s purpose. At long last Hank makes a definitive penance (his life) while attempting to spare Ely from ...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Crowdfunding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crowdfunding - Essay Example From this conversation plainly the prize can be administration or item that the organization offers. Much the same as the gift approach, the strategy doesn't have value or money related return. The benefit of the technique is that it lets capital searchers to boost their financial specialists without selling proprietorship stake or bringing about additional costs. Value based offers the financial specialists the chance to have a stake in the business. In this regard, the financial specialists get an opportunity to exchange capital for value shares. The suggestion is that the supporters get a money related profit for the speculation, just as, dividends.As the report features thatâ crowdfunding presents various focal points to the film maker. To begin with, the technique encourages access to many certify financial specialists in which the business person can interface and offer the raising money battle. The borrower can audit the potential financial specialists and select the best out of a huge pool. The maker can advance the battle through the email pamphlet, internet based life, and other web based showcasing stages. The media stages referenced above make the crusade distinguishable to the a great many potential investors. Crowdfunding offers the potential funders a chance to be a piece of the organization, particularly in the value based methodology. With the value - based methodology, the funder can exchange shares. The suggestion is that the funder gets money related venture and profits.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Family Assessment and Intervention Model

Question: Examine about theFamily Assessment and Intervention Model. Answer: Presentation The Family Assessment and Intervention Model develops the premise of framework hypothesis that is altered and stretched out to have a primary spotlight in general family rather than a solitary person. As per this model, the families are considered as an open and dynamic framework that communicates with their condition. One of the most significant jobs played by the families is helping and shielding their relatives from any sort of saw dangers. The essential structure of the family, its capacity, vitality, procedures, and qualities are the center parts ofthe family framework. Subsequently, this fundamental structure of the family ought to consistently be ensured. The family is the person who builds up the line of barrier for assurance as a versatile measure in the event that the family framework is undermined by any sort of stressor (Kaakinen, 2010). Nonetheless, it has been seen that the family frameworks are inclined towards pressures that are created by any sort of stressors in the family. Thus, there is an unevenness from the typical arrangement of homeostasis in the framework and result in the arrangement of wellbeing occasions. Consequently, the hypothesis clarifies the principle issue of pressure and its effect on the family all in all, and gives arrangement based on qualities and vulnerabilities of the family (Feetham, 2013). Contextual analysis: Mr. X who lives with his significant other was found in a mental ward because of burdensome musings and states of mind. Mr. X and his better half has as of late moved to their new loft and has a bustling timetable. As them two are working, they for the most part wind up eating outside. Prior, Mr.X and his better half used to live with his entire family, however as of late they have moved and lived alone. In addition, Mr. X would get advancement yet his advancement was deferred multiple times for specific reasons. He misses his folks as he used to live with his folks since youth. His folks visit him periodically, yet he feels low at whatever point they leave him. Mr. X and his better half both invested energy with one another on ends of the week and consistently eat together. Be that as it may, as his better half has her office in early hours of the day, on weekdays she is by all accounts occupied and doesnt have quality time with his significant other. However, a t whatever point her significant other doesnt feel well, she disappears from her office and goes to the emergency clinic together. As per the model, the stressor in the family is a division of Mr. X from his family, delay in his advancement for multiple times, and lacking quality time with his significant other. The qualities of the family are support for one another, investing energy in ends of the week, eating together, trust, and satisfactory pay. Through this model, the qualities and stressors are comprehended, and will be utilized for beating the pressure of the family and wellbeing of Mr. X. Henceforth, with the assistance of this model, an organized methodology towards the appraisal of the family and intercession is accomplished. The attention on qualities of the family is the one of a kind methodology of this model. In any case, the shortcoming of this model is that it is explicitly utilized just when the family enters the human services framework and is pertinent when a medical issue happens and contributes towards stressors (Kaakinen, 2010). References Feetham, S. (2013). Book Review: Nurses and families: A manual for family appraisal and intervention.Journal Of Family Nursing,19(2), 274-275. Kaakinen, J. (2010).Family medicinal services nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Israeli Zaka Essay - 275 Words

Israeli Zaka (Essay Sample) Content: NAME:PROFFESORS NAME:COURSE NUMBER:DATE:ISRAELI ZAKAZAKA is a Hebrew abbreviation meaning Zihuy Korbanot Aso, simply meaning "Disaster Victim Identification." Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s a group of people doing volunteer work responding to emergency issues such as disasters. The ZAKA organization was officially founded in the year 1989 in the Israeli Nation. Their main intention was to deal with terror attacks, and also deal with retrieval, identification, and burying the deceased victims from such attacks. Since ZAKA group was formed, it has expanded its functions to become the Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s largest search and rescue of humanitarian organization (Cole Leonard, 23).ZAKA have been recommended by different people to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, for example, a member of parliament from British recommended for such nomination in the year 2003. This push made the United Nations to identify ZAKA as International Rescue Unit as an International Volunteer in 2005. Since th e UN recognition, most countries and Unions had requested for ZAKAs help on many emergency disasters that have been arising from different states (Cole Leonard, 27).Majority members of ZAKA are comprised of Jews. The founding fathers of ZAKA prefer it to be called Chesed shel Eme literary meaning "Grace of God" due to the fact that they bury the deceased bodies of Jews according to the "Halakha" which is the Jews law. Among the divisions of ZAKA comprises the mortuary Unit, medical unit, search and rescue unit, missing person unit, dive units, rapid response unit among unmentioned others (Cohen, Miri, Roni, and Maya, 12).To conclude, in the USA, such an organization like ZAKA doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t exist. This can be well explained on how ZAKA over the years have helped the USA in emergency cases such as the USA plane air crash and the ... Israeli Zaka Essay - 275 Words Israeli Zaka (Essay Sample) Content: NAME:PROFFESORS NAME:COURSE NUMBER:DATE:ISRAELI ZAKAZAKA is a Hebrew abbreviation meaning Zihuy Korbanot Aso, simply meaning "Disaster Victim Identification." Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s a group of people doing volunteer work responding to emergency issues such as disasters. The ZAKA organization was officially founded in the year 1989 in the Israeli Nation. Their main intention was to deal with terror attacks, and also deal with retrieval, identification, and burying the deceased victims from such attacks. Since ZAKA group was formed, it has expanded its functions to become the Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s largest search and rescue of humanitarian organization (Cole Leonard, 23).ZAKA have been recommended by different people to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, for example, a member of parliament from British recommended for such nomination in the year 2003. This push made the United Nations to identify ZAKA as International Rescue Unit as an International Volunteer in 2005. Since th e UN recognition, most countries and Unions had requested for ZAKAs help on many emergency disasters that have been arising from different states (Cole Leonard, 27).Majority members of ZAKA are comprised of Jews. The founding fathers of ZAKA prefer it to be called Chesed shel Eme literary meaning "Grace of God" due to the fact that they bury the deceased bodies of Jews according to the "Halakha" which is the Jews law. Among the divisions of ZAKA comprises the mortuary Unit, medical unit, search and rescue unit, missing person unit, dive units, rapid response unit among unmentioned others (Cohen, Miri, Roni, and Maya, 12).To conclude, in the USA, such an organization like ZAKA doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t exist. This can be well explained on how ZAKA over the years have helped the USA in emergency cases such as the USA plane air crash and the ...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Cuban Revolution Of The United States - 973 Words

, and tobacco, for 60 years this has been Cuba’s calling cards, a land that hasn’t progressed much in six decades Cuba has stood as a vacation paradise for many of the worlds powerful nations, including Europe, Canada, and Australia. Most people who visit Cuba rarely see past the white sands, blue water, and endless alcohol of resorts, going off said resorts will give an entirely different view of the country. A people of farmers, musicians, and artisans, the Cuban people are a simple and hard working group all looking. For 60 years the Cuban government has kept the United States out of the country for the most part, that is until recently. During the cold war, Cuba joined the communist nations and went as far to allow Russian missiles to be placed on Cuban soil this was seen as a threat to American interests, causing John F. Kennedy to impose an embargo on the small nation just 80 miles away from Florida. With the Obama administration now lifting these embargos thi s can be viewed as both a positive and a negative thing to the county. While yes opening up Cuba to America will do wonders for it economically, I believe that culturally the country will suffer greatly. Often when American influence is permitted into a country there is often corruption that follows, Industrial corruption, cultural bullying, and the influx of drugs, are all issues that seem to follow whenever America enters a former enemy state. While yes from an economic stand point the country may do well,Show MoreRelatedCuban Revolution And Its Effects On The United States2481 Words   |  10 PagesThe Cuban revolution had great domestic and international influences and reshaped Cuba’s relationship with the world, especially with United States, which continues an embargo against Cuba as of this very day. Immediately after the revolution, Cuban government started a program of nationalization and political consolidation, which ultimately transformed Cuba’s economy an d society. Before the revolution was taken place, Cuba had received very little attention during colonial years. The lack of mineralsRead MoreCuban Revolution By Andrew Caminiti1476 Words   |  6 PagesCuban Communist Revolution By Andrew Caminiti The terrible conditions that many Cuban citizens lived under during the Batista regime was unacceptable. The Cuban Citizens wanted a change and started a revolution. To find out why we go all the way back to 1868 when the United States defeated the Spanish Army giving Cuba its independence. The Cubans elected Fulgencio Batista who did not allow any more elections to take place. This angered many and a new revolution leader formed, Fidel Castro. FidelRead MoreThe Cuban Revolution : An Single Most Important Event Of 20th Century Latin America1200 Words   |  5 Pages The Cuban Revolution took place over a six-year span from 1953 to 1959. The series of armed rebellions ultimately resulted in the overthrow of the US- backed Cuban government and ushered in a new era of Communist rule. It is often cited as the single most important event of 20th century Latin America. The Cuban Revolution was derived from social unrest and consequently had a major impact on Cuba’s domestic and foreign affairs most notably the installation of a communist government that still rulesRead MoreCuba In Revolution By Antoni Kapcia Discusses Social Change1191 Words   |  5 PagesCuba in revolution by Antoni Kapcia discusses social change and how the world needs to think about Cuba separate from Europe. The book is a well written history that summarizes Cuba in the 1950’s as its own branch of socialism and not an extension of the Soviet Union. It also gave new insight to the ideas of Castro. The books downfall is that it was for the Castro regime, which ali enated some readers from the main point of his argument. One of the book’s main arguments is that Cuba is not extentRead MoreThe Cuban Revolution And Its Effect On Identity1723 Words   |  7 PagesDreaming in Cuban is a novel by Cuban American author Cristina Garcia. This essay focuses on the impact of the Cuban revolution and its effect on identity within the Cuban diaspora. This essay argues that Dreaming in Cuban illustrates the impact of the Cuban revolution on women and how it has affected their identities as Cuban women. Therefore, this essay will assess the structure of the novel, it will identify key historical, and geographical contexts in which these events took place. The essayRead MoreThe Cuban Series Of Learning1610 Words   |  7 Pages Throughout the Cuban series of learning in this semesters class, has orchestrated a vast perception of learning of a nations struggle for independence. In formulating a conclusion to interpret the views of the Cuban authors that were influenced by the Cuban revolution, their percept ion solely captures the struggle of the land. Unlike the El Lider’s attributes to Fidel Castro in the documentary of â€Å"The Untold Story of Fidel Castro†. The visual biography concludes a broader spectrum of formulatingRead MoreCuban Missile Crisis : The End Of The World1647 Words   |  7 PagesTo most people, the Cuban missile crisis seemed like the start of an inevitable worldwide nuclear war. 1962 seemed like it was the end of the world for some, but somehow the United States was able to avoid a crisis evade an all out nuclear war with the U.S.S.R. The Cuban missile crisis can not be however, look at just in that timeframe. There are events including the Cuban Revolution that lead up to the United States losing their ties with Cuba. The Bay of Pigs invasion was an unsuccessful attemptRead MoreTaking a Look at Cuban Culture and History1240 Words   |  5 PagesWest Indies. The island is popular for its natural beauty and cultural heritages. After the Cuban revolution that took place in 1950s, Batista regime was overthrown and new government was formed which was led by Fidel Castro. Since then Cuba was ruled by Fidel Castro until recently. In 2008, because of Fidel Castro’s illness, his brother Raul Castro replaced him. Many Cubans supported the Cuban revolution in the hope of seeing changes in Cuba; however after Castro seized the power in 1959, many leftRead MoreDbq Essay1020 Words   |  5 Pages The effects of the Cuban Revolution on women’s lives and gender relations in Cuba from 1959 to 1990 include that some say women have not reached equality yet with men, women gained more opportunities for themselves, economy and politics, and also how women still had responsibility for children and home, not men. One effect of the Cuban Revolution on women was the thought that women still have not reached equality with men. Ofelia Dominguez Navarra (#1), a female Cuban socialist feminist, believesRead MoreLa Historia Me Absolvera also known as History Will Absolve Me1112 Words   |  5 PagesThe time of the Cuban Revolution involved a great deal of turmoil for Cuba as well as other countries around the world. In 1945, shortly after the end of World War II, the Cold War was taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union.1 Cuba was in the middle of its own war, the revolution, when they caught up in the international politics of the Cold War. The interaction between international and domestic politics played a major role in the outcome of the revolution. The result of the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evolution of Slavery in Justice Essay - 1183 Words

Slavery is immoral. Why? Because we hold this truth to be self-evident: that all men are created equal? Because life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness are unalienable rights endowed by our Creator? (â€Å"Declaration of Independence.† 1776.) Well, not all men are created equal. At least according to our Founding Fathers, African tribes, 18th century Europeans, the ancient Romans and Greeks, and †¦ the Bible. As a matter of fact, slavery has not been immoral from humanity’s (also to be interpreted as America’s) standpoint but for only 150 years. Why then can we so firmly and undeniably declare that slavery is immoral? The answer lies in the writings of great political visionaries like Solon, Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Marx, and Lincoln.†¦show more content†¦Acknowledging the sanctity of human life was the first step towards the abolition of slavery. With the sanctity of human life comes Moses, Exodus, and the Ten Commandments. Moses delivered the Israelites from slavery and together they journeyed to Mount Sinai where God gave Moses the sacred stone tablets. These tablets were inscribed not only with the Ten Commandments, but also with new ethical laws that the Israelites were to obey. What tends to be lost in translation, however, is the specific laws regarding slavery. Hebrew men were allowed to purchase other Hebrew men as slaves, but they may only enslave them for a total of six years. The families belonging to the enslaved party will be handed over to the purchaser unless the slave was married beforehand. Men who bought Hebrew women as slaves did not have to release them after the six year period. Instead the man is only limited in the fact that he cannot sell her to foreigners. (Exodus 21:2-11 NLT.) Moses had seen the cruelties that befall slaves, so he attempted to define a more justifiable form of slavery. By freeing the Hebrew males after six years, Moses is acknowledging that there is a limit on how harsh the term of enslavement can be. In just three hundred years the morality of slavery has shifted from, â€Å"One man cannot harm another man’s slave,† to, â€Å"Slavery of certain people is only justifiable for a small number of years, and then they must be set free.† The foundation laid by the Code ofShow MoreRelatedJohn Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government Essay900 Words   |  4 Pagesunder these circumstances is the person who has been wronged. The basic principle of justice is that the punishment should be proportionate to the crime. When victims are judging a crime; they likely to judge it of greater severity than an impartial judge. As a result, there will be miscarriages of justice. Slavery: Is the state of being in the absolute or arbitrary power of another. On Lockes definition of slavery there is only one way to become a legitimate slave. In order to do so one must beRead MoreEssay on Thomas Jefferson: A Man of Two Faces680 Words   |  3 PagesThomas Jefferson: A Man of Two Faces THESIS: Thomas Jefferson was a wealthy plantation owner and politician that would speak out about slavery on a regular basis but would still employ slaves for his own use. We are told by his biographers, and apologists, that he hated slavery with a passion. But since he participated fully in the plantation slavery system, buying and selling slaves on occasion, and because he could not bring himself to free his own slaves, who often numbered upward ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Ebony Magazine On Racial Ideals And Changes That Occur Throughout The United States1511 Words   |  7 Pagesrelations in American history. It demonstrates the slow evolution on racial ideals and changes that occur throughout the United States. Human society has been highly diverse and is the premise of white supremacy ideas. From the beginning the people of color were living under a white supremacist system. â€Å" One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.† (Ebony, June/1970) This statement is a stamp of independence but the term justice for all is redundant and not applicable to peopleRead MoreBlack Blacks And Black Men1738 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Historically American laws have reflected the truth behind how white men feel about black men. From the Black Codes, to the Jim Crow segregation laws, to the war on drug policies, to stop and frisk, to now stand your ground there has been no evolution. Emmett Till, Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, and Justin Davis are all illustrations of this.† - David Banner David Banner’s statement speaks bounds of how society has progressed in attempts of ending discrimination against black bodies. It is clearRead MoreThe Theory of Evolution and Creationism Debate The subject on what goes into public school1700 Words   |  7 Pages The Theory of Evolution and Creationism Debate The subject on what goes into public school textbooks have always been an intense debate. Recently Bill Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham held a debate on this topic on February 4, 2014 which gain over two million views. Which raised the question is creationism a viable model of origin in today’s modern scientific era (Ken Ham)? In order for one to answer this question accurately first one would need to know why this question is significant. Then theyRead MoreForeign Policy Essay599 Words   |  3 PagesContemporary US History 2/22/2015 The evolution of U.S. Foreign policy following the Civil War is continually evolving. During the Civil War years, America had an economy that was based on agriculture. Farmers were growing cotton, tobacco and sugarcane. Slaves from Africa worked on these enormous plantations. . At the time, America was in an election year with Lincoln as the candidate of the Republican Party claiming he was going to abolish slavery. When Lincoln won the election he did justRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay971 Words   |  4 Pagesresearch proposal will address this question by examining the social and psychological impact caused by racism and the economic impact it’s had on the African American community. This proposal will further investigate whether the emotional scars of slavery continue to hamper African American progress or if racism is actually the cause. The economic cost of discrimination against African Americans has many sides, which are interconnected with the effects of social discrimination and racism. AccordingRead MoreAn Definition Of Moral Theory997 Words   |  4 PagesPrima Facie duties. Prima Facie duties are duties that are obligatory duties that can be trumped by other duties depending on our situation. Ross gives an example of seven of these prima facie duties in his writings: beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, self-improvement, fidelity, reparation, and gratitude. These duties arise because we intuit them to be true and binding duties. In Ross’s view, all of these duties are binding, but he does not exclude, as Kant does that these duties may overlapRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1370 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica; we have merely redesigned it† using the criminal justice system and colorblind rhetoric. (Alexander 2). The result is a population of Black and Latino men who face barrier s and deprivation of rights as did Blacks during the Jim Crow era. Therefore, mass incarceration has become the new Jim Crow. In making the case that mass incarceration is the new version of Jim Crow, Alexander moves through a history of racial caste systems from slavery to Jim Crow. Alexander demonstrates this history by explainingRead MoreNelson Mandela s 100 Day Speech897 Words   |  4 Pagesnot owned, one can’t simply own power but it is rather given and exercised. Freeman, Samuel. Justice and the Social Contract: Essays on Rawlsian Political Philosophy, Oxford University Press, USA, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, This book is about the phenomenon of Justice it highlights the importance of justice in creating a Social Contract. This book is very helpful in arguing my point that the social

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf Bravery in Essay Example For Students

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf Bravery in Essay Beowulf Epic Beowulf essays Bravery in Beowulf Bravery is like a very trusted friend, it will never let you down. That statement holds true in the great epic of Beowulf. Beowulf is the story of a great hero who comes to the aid of a troubled king. Beowulf hears that king Hrothgar is having trouble and immediately comes to help with no questions asked. he defeats the monster, Grendel, with his bare hands. Beowulf then defeats Grendels mother along with a dragon until he is fatally injured. Bravery is a very admirable characteristic that few people possess. First of all, Beowulf came to help Hrothgar on his own free will. Hearing of the troubles that Hrothgar was having with a monster terrorizing Herot, his mead hall, Beowulf bravely offered his help not knowing what he was up against. When he arrived, Beowulf did not ask the king for either money nor fame. The only favor that he asked of Hrothgar was that he and his men were to fight the monster, Grendel. Coming away from ones homeland to help get rid of a man-eating monster and asking for nothing in return takes much courage and is an extremely brave deed. Next, Beowulf decides to fight Grendel with his bare hands. He could have easily obtained some kind of weapon to fight with. Beowulf was the first warrior ever to have enough sheer bravery to go up against such a monster with neither help nor weapon or shield to aid him. he was a warrior that believed somewhat in fate and in God. Believing that God made the decisions and was in control, Beowulf trusted that his life was in good hands. Defeating Grendel with his bare hands, Beowulf not only proved his bravery but also his loyalty. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf came back twice in order to kill Grendels mother and a fire-breathing dragon. Although during his bout with the dragon, Beowulf was fatally injured. As his services were needed, he always prevailed; Beowulfs bravery never tired. He even had to fight and kill these monsters in their homes where nobody had ever ventured. Successfully defeating Grendels mother lead Beowulf into his third and final battle with the last monster. He had to fight a fire-breathing dragon and with the help of one faithful companion, Wiglaf, they slaid the dragon. During this encounter Beowulf was killed, but on his deathbed he was still the brave warrior he had always been and he was thinking of his people and not death. As a brave warrior should, Beowulf died doing a righteous favor for someone else with his weapon in hand. An admirable characteristic that few people possess is bravery. Asking no questions, the great Beowulf came to Hrothgars aid fearlessly. Defeating Grendel weaponless was another display of magnificent bravery. He kept coming back and defeated Grendels mother along with a fire-breathing dragon until he was fatally injured and killed. Bravery should not only apply to warriors but also to everyday people. .