Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analytical reserach paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analytical reserach - Research Paper Example The research question in this case is that: Does the Internet bring people closer together? The debate over whether the internet brings people closer together or not has been of interest since it attempts to unearth why there are a growing number of social networking sites and users all over the work. As a matter of fact, the last few years have seen a significant growth in the number of social networking cites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, blogs and Badoo, just to name but a few. Facebook users lead the pack, spending over 10.5 billion minutes on the site daily (Consalvo and Ess 55). Research also reveals that over a billion people are currently connected to the Internet either via computer and mobile phones, among other gargets. A majority of the Internet users argue that the Internet has brought them closer to other people according to Internet Communication (Par.4) Some argue that, without the Internet, they would not be able to connect with their friends and families who a re spread all over the world. Those who agree that the internet has brought them closer to other people claim that social networking has enabled them to make friends and communicate with individuals whom otherwise they would not be able to meet without the Internet (Consalvo and Ess 56). ... 2). Those who disagree with the argument that the Internet help bring people closer together also have a strong point, which must be considered. Firstly, according to Consalvo and Ess, internet has done away with interactions that used to be there before its establishment (58). In this regard, Consalvo and Ess note that shopping online or searching information on the Internet has done away with dialogue or face-to-face communication, which used to bring friends and families together (58). As such, they dispel the argument that the Internet has helped bring people closer. Those opposed to the argument say that the type of communication done via the Internet is not genuine as they are recklessly made without critical thought. In addition, they argue that the Internet has broken social values in the family, as the majority of users tend to concentrate more on the Internet and fail to have time for their friends and families. This has created antagonism in the society and domestic violen ce, therefore, has not brought people closer (Internet Communication Par. 5). Why the debate is of interest and its significance As earlier stated the debate is significant because it will enable people understand how well the Internet is perceived by people all over the world., The study will also help in understanding the impact of the Internet on society and any ethical issues that should be noted, especially by web developers so as to meet Internet users needs best. Furthermore, the study will reveal how effective the Internet has been or is in fostering peace and tranquility across the world, which is characterized by great diversity. However, for me to be able to discuss the topic effectively, first I must have a good background of the Internet and its influences on society.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Five Main Categories of an Advertising Objectives Essay Example for Free

Five Main Categories of an Advertising Objectives Essay Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor. Set Advertising Objectives An advertising objective is a specific communication task to be achieved with a specific target audience during a specified period of time. Advertising objectives fall into five main categories: (a) To inform e.g. tell customers about a new product (b) To persuade e.g. encourage customers to switch to a different brand (c) To remind e. g. remind buyers where to find a product (d) To adding value e.g. cost and benefit analysis in customers mind (e) To assisting other company efforts e.g. increase brand preference and loyalty, expand the product distribution, reduce overall sales cost, Creates new demands etc. To Inform The main function of advertising is to communicate information about the product, its attributes, and its location of sale; this is the information function. Product information communicated to the customers in manner that meets their information needs. Most consumers tend to discount the information in advertising because they understand that the purpose of the advertising is to persuade. Making an advertising message believable is not easy; though often it is sufficient to make the consumer curious enough to try the product. Such curiosity is often referred to as interested disbelief. Advertisers use a variety of devices to increase the believability of their advertising: celebrities or experts who are the spokespersons for the product, user testimonials, product demonstrations, research results, and endorsements. Example: Ponds age miracle, in that ad the celebrity Hadiqa Kiani is informing the consumers about the benefits of it. That how the old women can look younger by using it continuously. It will make you fair cream plus it reduces freckles plus it can be used as a sun block as well it will make you look young. To Persuade The other function of advertising is to induce consumers to try new products and to suggest reuse of the product as well as new uses; this is the persuasion function. Advertising provides the incentives to viewers for them to engage in action. This deals with the emotional dimension of the target audience, which concentrates on touching and persuading the consumers rather than informing and apprising them. Example: Fair and lovely Add we know that it will make a girl look fair and prettier in 4 weeks. To Remind The third function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to generate the desired behavior the advertiser wants from them. This is a particularly effective function in the long run as reminders and reinforcements register in the consumers minds, becoming the base on which they shape their future decisions. This function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to generate the desired behavior the advertiser wants from them. This is a particularly effective function in the long run as reminders and reinforcements register in the consumers minds, becoming the base on which they shape their future decisions. Example: Pepsi cola Coca cola advertise are the best example. Both the companies don’t need to advertise their product because both companies position in market is very much strong but they advertise just to remind their presence in customer mind. To Adding value Cost and benefit analysis in customers mind and some time make comparison with competitors brand for realizing our customer that what they get while using our product and how much its value for us. Example: The add of sunsilk hijab shows that how much company feel about Muslim women wearing hijab To Assisting Other Company Efforts To increase brand preference and loyalty: Marketing is a moving thing. As your needs are changed your preferences are changed. When the product delivers the promised quality, service and value, it creates satisfied customers who become instrumental in spreading a favorable word-of-mouth. Satisfied customers also develop brand preference; each product features and uses are written on the product. Example: 99% girls who are not married will not look at the ad of pampers or any milk powder for children but when they will get married their interest will automatically move towards such advertisements. Brand loyalty: Brand loyalty is a long-term customer preference for a particular product or service. Brand loyalty can be produced by factors such as customer satisfaction with the performance or price of a specific product or service, or through identifying with a brand image. It can be encouraged by advertising. People often make purchasing decisions based on how a brand makes them feel emotionally rather than based on quality or other objective evaluations. If Just Do it strikes a chord with an athlete, hell buy Nike; the decision may have little to do with quality. Example: For instance, when one buys a tube of Colgate toothpaste and finds it ok, one will not have to spend any valuable time on looking for other toothpaste brands.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

George B. McClellan: The Disposable Patriot :: essays research papers

There were really no very interesting characters in this book. I was never one to be interested in history. There were some interesting parts though, for instance, the chapter about the railroad man was pretty good, and it was kind of cool that he got promoted to vice-president of the railroad he work on within a year after he started the job. Some of the wars he was in were ok as well. It sometimes amazes me that there were so many unnamed heroes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you know, the book talks about his life, the wars he was in and a little behind the scenes. Mr. McClellan was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December third, eighteen twenty-six. His ancestors were from Scotland and came to the American colonies in the seventeen hundreds. When Mr. McClellan graduated from college, he graduated with a degree in medicine and was a respected surgeon. He married Elizabeth Brinton in eighteen twenty at the local Presbyterian Church where they were members. Skipping ahead, we get to â€Å"a nice little war in Mexico.† Here it explains McClellan’s commission and when he was sent to West Point to train troops bound for Mexico. After this time McClellan contracted malaria and dysentery and was confined to a hospital bed for almost one month while being nursed back to health by one of his friends named Jimmy Stuart. The one consolation for Mr. McClellan was that his unit was idle during his period of illness. The mala ria that McClellan experienced in Mexico, however, would stay with him for the rest of his life. He would often refer to this problem as his â€Å"Mexican disease† when it flared up from time to time. Early in eighteen eighty-five, he had two articles published in the century magazine as a part of their â€Å"battles and leaders of war† series. Mac Was asked to write about his experiences as a commander during the Peninsula and Maryland campaigns. In October eighteen eight-five, Mac began to experience severe chest pain that was later diagnosed as angina pectoris. His doctor prescribed different treatments and rest. Within a week or two his condition began to improve and the doctor believed Mac would make a complete recovery. However, on the evening of October twenty-eight, while finishing an article for the century, Mac began to experience severe chest pains once again. His condition quickly deteriorated throughout the night, and at three o’clock in the morning he turned and looked at his wife and said to the physician, â€Å"Tell her I am better now.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"Macbeth† a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main character Macbeth, transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth starts out as the thane of Glamis and steadily rises to become King of Scotland. The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more corrupt and evil he became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the opening scene. â€Å"And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling showed like a rebel’s whore. But all’s too weak for brave Macbeth.† (1.2 16.18) The captain expressing the braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland’s battle with the invading Norway hordes. It didn’t take long for the people of Scotland to realize what a leader Macbeth was. Another example of Macbeth’s patriotism is in the third scene. â€Å"Go pronounce his present death and with it’s former title greet macbeth† (1.3 74-75) Macbeth was seen as such a hero and leader by King Duncan that he now moved up to Thane of Cawdor. The king put his trust into Macbeth. The final example of macbeth’s loyalty to Scotland and King Duncan is when macbeth quoted†The service and the loyalty I owe, in doing it pays itself† (1.4 25-26) After macbeth gets crowned Thane of Cawdor he expresses his gratitu de and dedication to the king and Scotland. Macbeth was thought to be the best man for the job.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The character of Macbeth starts to creep from loyal and trustwo...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethical Audit Report of Tesco Essay

According to Mamoria (2010), business ethics is defined as the businessman’s integrity so far as his conduct or behaviour is concerned in all fields of business as well as towards the society and other businesses. Thus, the conduct or behaviour by businessman towards the society or others may have some conflicts and contradictions. The intention of this report is to highlight what and why the incidents happened. The incidents include the employment of illegal workers, price fixing, and poor product quality. All these incidents tend to spoil the corporate’ image of the company and also bring harmful effect to the communities and other stakeholders. So, Tesco took action by compensating to the victims, restructured corporate management system for better performances, and provided training programme and learning course for the employee. The ethical theories applicable to Tesco include Ethics of Justice, Ethics of Duty, and Feminist Ethics, which will also be discussed in this report. In addition, the organization’s best practices and values such as corporate social responsibility and protecting the environment will also be discussed for the close up of this report. 1. 1 Background of Tesco Tesco, one of the largest retailers in the world started its business in 1919. The Founder, Jack Cohen started a grocery stall in East End of London. He made a profit of ? 1 from sales of ? 4 on his first day. After 5 years, in 1924. Mr. Cohen bought a shipment of tea from Mr. T. E. Stockwell where the â€Å"Tesco† brand first appearance. Tesco expanded its business to petrol station in 1974, and became the UK’s largest independent petrol retailer. It generated a total sales topped ? 1bn and doubled up to ? 2bn in 1982. In order to overtake the UK’s leading grocer in 1990, Tesco made an aggressive marketing campaign to open more stores to gain its businesses. In 2000, Tesco continued to expand its business by product range from clothes to electrical and personal finance products when Tesco. com was launched (www. telegraph. co. uk). For more detail on its corporate background, kindly refer to Appendix I. 2. 0 Ethical Dilemmas Ethics in general and ethics in business are very intimate to one another. Therefore one’s personal ethics cannot be completely separated from one’s business or organizational ethics. If you are a man of principles, then you are more inclined to insist on high moral standards in your business and organizations (Gavai, 2010). No matter how strong the corporate policy and system, ethical dilemmas still exist as everyone is looking for their own interest. Tesco, one of the biggest retailers in worldwide also faces the same problems such as illegal workers, price fixing and poor product quality. . 1 Illegal Workers Tesco was caught for hiring 30 illegal workers who were foreign students at one of its warehouses. These students were from 11 different nationalities; mostly Bangladeshi and Indian origins were alleged for working up to 3? times longer than their allowed working hour in visa permit (www. visabureau. com). They worked as much as 50 hours extra than the allowed ho urs of 20 hours per week. This incident happened after the UK border Agency enforcement team visited their factory on July 2012 in Croydon (www. immigrationmatters. co. uk). The retailer took responsibilities by giving corporation to the investigation as they insisted they did not condone illegal working (www. telegraph. co. uk). Anyhow, employees were considered the victims in this incident as they had not been protected by the company’s employment rules, where they were forced to work for extra hours. They faced big losses such as inability to further education and having a work-life balance. Employer did not protect for employee welfare, they abused employee right to work extra which prompted to product high productivity, maximize the profit margin by saving cost of employee salary. Supplier played a key role in this scenario, as it was the only party to transform information between the employers and the employee while in the process of recruitment. In fact, there was wrong information sending either to the employer or the employee. 2. 2 Price Fixing Tesco was accused in the scandal of the pricing fixing on its dairy products such as cheese and milk. The consumers from the Office of Fair Trading in UK reported that Tesco had charged them an additional of approximately ? 270M between years 2002-2003. The huge amount was accumulated from 3 pence extra for a pint of milk, 15 penny extra for each quarter-pound of butter and the same amount per half-pound of cheese for every single purchased together with another 8 firms were implicated in the collusion (www. dailymail. co. uk). They were caught by breaching the competition act in synchronising the increased price with other competitors for certain dairy products. However, Tesco’s competitors had admitted and OFT had been given discount on the fined amount as they had given cooperation in the investigation. When the corporations did not practice fair competition which comply with the competition law, consumers were the victims because they did not protect in fair trading. This is clearly a strong violation of consumers’ rights (www. savistamagazine. com). Shareholders in the corporations basically earned extra profits in this scenario. Whereas, this practices was not encouraged as they must obey the corporate law which was stated in the Corporate Governance. Government department plays a key role in this embarrass scenario; their intention was to protect the consumers. Their penalty towards the corporations sent a clear signal to them not to violate consumers’ rights. In fact, families in UK suffering big loss of expensed extra for the daily goods in unknowingly. They should be protected under the fair trading policy which ensured them to trade in worthiness. 2. 3 Poor Product Quality Tesco also received a punishment from the Bracknell Magistrate Court for selling 127 outdated foods in the Martins Heron branch on May 2011. The foods included beef-burgers, ham and chocolate cheesecake. This incident happened when a girl fell sick after consuming chargrilled chicken pasta salad. This prompted Bracknell Forest Trading Standards officers to investigate the matter after receiving the complaint. The officers found that the foods had expired for 16 days during a visit to the store (www. getreading. co. uk). Trading Standards officers commented this matter as the â€Å"worst case of out-of- date product† that they had ever seen (www. mirror. co. uk). The irresponsible behavior acted by the management of Tesco was strongly affected to the public health. It also brought suffer to the consumers from physically and mentality. The shareholders were also facing lost when the management was careless in managing the stocks. Besides the above, Tesco was discovered for selling 100 expired food products which included yoghurts, fruit smoothies, soup, gravy, vegetable pakoras, packaged salad, pasta bowls, samosa and bhaji snack packs and guacomole dip. These items were past their sell-by-dated of between 1 to 17 days. The occurrence was engaged by a manager who had 20 years experience but his first time to manage the largest store chain, Tesco Extra. Shoppers had complaint about the poor problems to the Coventry City Council and the trading standards officers had proven the issues after their raids at the branch in Gielgud Way, Walsgrave in November 2009 (www. oventrytelegraph. net) 3. 0 Actions taken to solve these dilemmas According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, dilemmas are situations or problems where a person has to make a difficult choice; an ethical dilemma is a problem where a person has to choose between a moral and an immoral act (smallbusiness. chron. com). Dilemma occurrences in the workplace are common and action taken to solve them is very important, whereas theory of ethics can be applied as guidelines which may bring the moral decision. 3. 1 Reinforce in recruitment and management system Tesco was fined for a total of ? 15,000 by UK Border Agency (UKBA) for 23 students, of various nationalities who had breached the visa working terms (www. telegraph. co. uk). UKBA was reflecting UK government’s intention into act which has promised to overwhelm on visa abuse. The 23 individuals were not permitted to enter UK again (www. visabureau. com). The Britain’s biggest supermarket had ensured that the incident in this nature will never happen again. One of the executive had been laid off after the lacklustre performance (www. telegraph. co. uk). Tesco was a founder member of Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI). They searched employee with high standard by applying the ETI base code which included; no exploitation of child labour, working hours not exceeding (20 hours per week for foreign workers) and regular employment is provided (www. tesco. ie). However, the government had carried out a good job by taking serious action against any employers who had breached the visa working terms. After the fined it brought a â€Å"warning† to the competitors and simultaneously as a reminder to them to have good ethical practice while in competition. Nobody is allowed to breach the rules in order to obtain success in competition. In addition, after UKBA taken action against the employer, the rest employees will enjoy the benefits which to work in regularly, fair treated, feel protected and concerned by the government. Employer was ensured that the management system been improved after laid off an employee who made mistake. Employer was informed to put employee’s welfares as priority. 3. 2 Defending the rights Tesco was slapped with the fined of ? 10m for price-fixing of its dairy products by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) in 2011 after seven years of investigation. However, they threatened to fight back by taking legal action against OFT to defend themselves. The company claimed they were â€Å"surprised and dismayed† with the fined and strongly denied with any collusion in changing pricing detail with each other via the dairy processors. Tesco stand at its point vigorously and throughout the court. However, it had urged the government to deprive OFT of its power to investigate and punish firms under the competition act (www. mirror. co. uk). The intention of OFT was to alert the industries that the competition laws was enforced in ensuring the shopper in a fair trade condition. Hence, after the punishments were sent, it was ensure that the competition was maintained under the competition laws. Furthermore, competitors were only able to divulge information to each other via dairy suppliers. Suppliers were also not been honest in this incident. Suppliers did not bear responsibility of providing high quality products with reasonable prices where the consumers are able enjoy the benefits. Thus, suppliers being fined by the OFT were considered reasonable. No matter how the employer wanted to fight back with OFT, they had to pay the fine and settled it in the fastest way where to stop any embarrassing matters to affect their sales figure. At the same time, the costly and time consuming case might affect the expense of both taxpayer and business as well. So the fine paid has benefitted the consumers which bring fairness of their trading. 3. 3 Compensations After Tesco had admitted selling of outdated food, it was fined by the Bracknell Magistate Court for ? 12,000, and ? 15,000 in legal fees and a ? 15 victim surcharge. The Charges were related to 88 types of food which were put on shelves for sales. Tesco had to bear for the penalty as they knew that selling of out-date-food brought harm to the public health (www. tutorcare. o. uk). In order not to repeat their mistake, they were reinforced through staff training at the Bracknell store to ensure all the processes undergone strict quality control and the procedures were complied. Customers are the cause and purpose of every business. A business is supposed to serve them satisfactorily (Gavai, 2010). According to Tesco Corporate responsibility, they were running local s upplier programme for the purpose of getting fresh and quality products. Therefore, the company had to enforce the programme to ensure it was running smoothly and the supplier complied with it. Employers had to bear the responsibility for the incident where there was serious problem in the management. The accused significantly spoiled the corporate image and reputation which cause the sales figure to drop. However, the employers had made a right decision for admitting the mistake and paid compensation. It significantly showed that Tesco was applying the Ethics of Justice. According to Plato (2010), justice is an order and a beauty of the parts of a whole. Justice is effective coordination. It is an effective harmony of the whole. Ethics of justice can be defined as what is right and what is wrong in clear and precision. It was related to the notion of fairness. When a person is been treated unequally or deprived from what he deserved, then he was treated with injustice. Tesco realized that treating someone injustice was an immoral action, so they pledged guilty and paid fined which tend to bring fairness to the consumers as to determine this action on the criterion of rightness, which is one of the concepts in Ethics of Justice as well. Furthermore, Tesco was fined for ? 33,400 for 43 charges of selling 100 out-of-date foods at a hearing in Coventry Magistrates Court and a further of 94 charges after considering their sentenced. However, some shareholders of Tesco were present in court to show their seriousness of this matter and their concern on the case. They pledged guilty on the charges and their managers were laid off and two other employees were being disciplined (www. lacors. gov. uk). Employees had th e responsibility to carry out their job by following the corporate system. Some of the mistakes were not being tolerated and it has brought harm to the public health. The Coventry council was pleased with the results as the sentenced brought a warning to other competitors in the same industry that the government had stand at their point for the communities was appreciated. 4. 0 Best Practices and Values According to Donald, White and Bedner (2010), value is a concept of the desirable, an internalized criterion or standard of evaluation a person possesses. Such concepts and standards are relatively few and determine or guide an individual’s evaluation of many objects encountered in everyday life. Values are tinged with moral flavour involving an individual’s judgement of what is good, right or desirable. Tesco has practiced several communities’ works as a return to the society and tried to deliver values to them. Corporate social responsibility is in the interest of business because, by contributing to social change, it can create a better environment for its own transactions, thereby developing business while being socially responsibly (Rendtorff and Dahl, 2009). 4. 1 Communities Works Tesco plays a vital role in the local communities by supporting them actively without preconditions. They wanted to have a good relationship with the communities in which they operated. The fundamental condition that Tesco can provide to the communities is providing good quality, affordable foods and goods, and offering job to the unemployment. Besides that, they are listening and responding to the local communities for their needs and values, carrying out the issues that matter to them positively, and improve the local area by providing lasting contributions. They regularly set up a new store in the area where the retailers or businesses had been neglected. Tesco also launched a Regeneration Partnership Programs in UK where Tesco was proud as this prompted to providing job opportunities to the long term unemployment. In May 2012, they had their first launched store under the regeneration program in Hungary at Debrecen. Hiring 100 unemployed and providing 42 with courses organized by Regional Labour Centre helped them to readjust in their routine of daily work. Tesco also gathered the local communities in a centre point for them to interact. In Turkey, Tesco Kipa Family Club offered Cooking class, Dancing class, chess and learning English Class to their 60,000 members. In addition, Tesco had over 100 schools of Extended Class in South Korea to let the customers and families to attend Arts and English Class. Presently, Tesco had over 750 communities champion working into the communities which communicated with the communities effectively. They were organizing activities such as Healthy Eating to the primary school and local school children, charity event by collection or bag packing, and also asking the staff and customers to join the events like Race for Life (www. tescoplc. com). Without doubt, values to the communities such as responsibility, accountability, concern and unity had contributed absolutely by Tesco. â€Å"Value† so understood is a very broad category. It includes all sorts of things, from personal desire like health or a sense of humor to social ideals like wealth or liberty (Weston, 2010). They are responsible to the communities by giving them quality product in affordable prices. In addition, they were giving values of accountability by organizing learning class for the communities to gain their knowledge and interests. Tesco is also concerned about the communities of the unemployment, giving priority to the unemployed for job opportunities which also gave them better future and better life. Unity of the communities is very important in local area, Tesco provided a platform for the communities to communicate, interact and work together. They looked forward that every business and store were valued by the communities as they were trying hard to give interest to the communities. Tesco contributed a lot of times and fund to the community works. This demonstrates the application of Ethics of Duty. According to Kant (2010), a duty is obligatory and one has to do his duty regardless of any situation. Most of the time duty implies an action that one is expected to do as a part of society which may be neither for self-satisfaction nor for immediate happiness. Tesco knew what their prime duty to the communities was. Having a good thought is not enough but must in action. An action with potential concern showed their responsibility to the communities. 4. 2 Protecting Environment Protecting the environment is one of the important missions set by Tesco. The only way to deal with it was reducing the impact on the environment, including water and energy usage. All the suppliers have to follow the program with Tesco by reducing carbon footprint on the product and manage the water usage in all the store chain. The mission to be achieved is to become a zero-carbon business by 2050. Achieving a mission is not only in planning but practice. Tesco has converted over 100 stores to natural refrigeration across the corporate. The project in Kenya for the Lake Naivasha water stewardship helped to reduce water pollution and raised the water levels, replace transportation from lorries to rail transport which saved 15,000 tonnes of CO2e per year. Tesco had also collaborated with Unilever to create awareness amongst customers of sustainable product choices; more than 10,000 customers were advised to reduce their water footprint in Turkey. Tesco practiced by reducing in packaging and minimizing waste in their dairy operation which helped to reduce the impact on the environment. Reducing waste was the priority plan for Tesco. They used a market-leading store ordering system which helped to predict what each store chain will sell, this minimized waste of food accurately before it reached their customers. The programmes of minimizing the store’s operational waste started running since 2009 throughout the world’s store chain. They did not send any wastage from the UK store to the landfill. If the wasted were unable to recycle then it will be converted into other sources of energy. In China, cardboard and wasted oil in the stores had been fully recycled. In Poland, in order to increase the rate of recycling, they have conducted an audit of waste segregation in stores. In Malaysia, they encouraged the employees to recycle by launching a weekly league table to record who recycled the most. In US, they sent their waste food to the food bank for those who needed to reduce the wastage. And lastly in Slovakia, they donated the waste food the Hunter’s association for feeding animals. The materials used for product packing were the lightest weight and sustainable and also gave opportunities for recycling. Since 2007, Tesco have reduced the packaging of own-brand product more than 15% in UK, which included cutting glass usage by 420 tonnes annually when producing their own label Champagne. They also changed traditional packaging of toys to new packaging reduction technique that brought 15% reduction. In UK, Tesco also has commitments with WRAP’s Courtauld 2 (Waste and Resource Action Programme) to reduce the packaging waste by 2012. The commitments included the reduction of weight, recycled content of grocery packaging to be increased, rates of recycling to be increased, and carbon impact to be lowered by 10%, reduction of 4% for the UK household food and drink, and reduction of 5% for the products and packaging waste in the supply chains (www. tescoplc. com). Caring for the environment brings value of duty, love, hope, and comfort. Tesco has carried out their duty towards the society by committing on wastage reduction. All the resources taken from the earth and environment were fully utilized and the balances were recycled. This duty is belonging to everyone; therefore Tesco has taken it into priority. Tesco also showed the values of love. In terms of loving the earth, loving the environment, and loving each others in the world by saving the resources such as water. Human being is unable to live without water. Tesco knew the seriousness so they ran several programmes on reducing the usage of water. Tesco is giving Hope to the society as well, saving resources in order to prevent resources shortage, and climate changing. Value of hope is generating with these practices to the people. Living in harmony and secure which may concern for the next generation as well. With the clean environment, the values of comfort arise and the people can feel that they are living in a peaceful world. This is the main objective achieved by Tesco. A comfort lifestyle may bring positive thinking to the people, staying with tolerance and forgiveness. Tesco has significantly practiced ethical theory of right for the programme. According to William Sbaw (2010), a right is an entitlement to act or have other acts in a certain way. Everyone has a right in doing certain action and simultaneously expecting others not to deprive its right. However, others also possess a right to disagree to the action, but they cannot dismiss it. Tesco promoted the protecting environment programme and has prompted to let the communities knew that they had the right to live harmony. Right and Duty are correlated as that our prime duty is to protect the rights of people (Gavai, 2010). Tesco has the duty of giving fairness to the society and the communities have the right to enjoy the fair treatment. 5. Conclusion Business ethics is important for a corporate because it brings significant benefits and advantages. Corporation with good business ethics prompt to have good image and reputation in the market, which assist to create market awareness and promote sales easily. Furthermore, a corporation best practice such as corporate social responsibility is also very crucial which to protect the employees and communities’ welfare, c orporation may enjoy benefits for itself also because a good corporate social responsibility may create loyalty of an employee. A loyal and committted employee will stay with the corporation constantly and increase productivity, which can reduce labour turnover as well. Whereas, Tesco, as one of the biggest retailers in the world, which cover business internationally (refer Appendix II for International business Chart), they realize the importance of these and working hard to practice good ethical behavior, create value for the communities and providing moral decision to settle the ethical dilemma to ensure the stakeholder and communities can enjoy the benefits.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Schenck Ruling by Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Schenck Ruling by Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Charles Schenck was the general secretary of the Socialist Party in the United States. During World War I, he was arrested for creating and distributing pamphlets that urged men to assert your rights and resist being drafted to fight in the war. Schenck was charged with attempting to obstruct recruitment efforts and the draft. He was charged and convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 that stated that people could not say, print, or publish anything against the government during times of war. He appealed to the Supreme Court, claiming the law violated his First Amendment right to free speech. Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes The former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States was Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. He served between 1902 and 1932.  Holmes passed the bar in 1877 and started working in the field as a lawyer at a private practice.  He also contributed editorial work to the American Law Review for three years, where he subsequently lectured at Harvard and published a collection of his essays called The Common Law.  Holmes was known as the Great Dissenter at the U.S. Supreme Court due to his opposing arguments with his colleagues. Espionage Act of 1917, Section 3 Following is the pertinent section of the Espionage Act of 1917 that was used to prosecute Schenck: Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports of false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military..., shall willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, refusal of duty..., or shall willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both. Supreme Court Decision The Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ruled unanimously against Schenck. It argued that, even though he had the right to free speech under the First Amendment during peacetime, this right to free speech was curtailed during the war if they presented a clear and present danger to the United States. It is in this decision that Holmes made his famous statement about free speech: The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic. Significance of Schenck v. the United States This had a huge significance at the time. It seriously lessened the strength of the First Amendment during times of war by removing its protections of the freedom of speech when that speech could incite a criminal action (like dodging the draft). The Clear and Present Danger rule lasted until 1969. In Brandenburg v. Ohio, this test was replaced with the Imminent Lawless Action test. Excerpt from Schencks Pamphlet: Assert Your Rights In exempting clergymen and members of the Society of Friends (popularly called Quakers) from active military service the examination boards have discriminated against you. In lending tacit or silent consent to the conscription law, in neglecting to assert your rights, you are (whether knowingly or not) helping to condone and support a most infamous and insidious conspiracy to abridge and destroy the sacred and cherished rights of a free people. You are a citizen: not a subject! You delegate your power to the officers of the law to be used for your good and welfare, not against you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Saskatchewan essays

Saskatchewan essays Saskatchewan is a land of resources, wealth, and beauty. Its name is derived from a Cree word meaning rapid river. Saskatchewan is 651,900 sq. km. in area, half of it is forests, and one third of it is cultivated lands. In southern Saskatchewan average temperatures range from 0-65 degrees farenheight. In Northern Saskatchewan temperatures range from 23-57 degrees farenheight. Grayling, trout, pike, and pickeral are found in the northern lakes, while mule, deer, elk, moose, and long tail deer are found in the north. Saskatchewan has a population of about one million people. Its largest cities are Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina, and Saskatoon. Saskatchewan is the only province that doesnt have a majority of French or British background. There are large segements of Scandanavian, German, and Ukrainian. Plus about 70,000 natives live in the province. Saskatchewans largest religious groups are the Lutheran, the Anglican denominations, and the Roman catholic. Saskatchewans government consists of a lieutenant govener (Sylvia O. Fedoruk), a premier (Roy Romanow and New Democratic party), a parliament (6 senate members, 10 new democrats, and 4 conservatives), and a provincial legistator (64 members). Saskatchewan was admitted to the confederation on Sept.1, 1905 with Alberta, the eighth and ninth provinces. Saskatchewan politics were dominated by the liberal party from 1905 to 1944, when the CCF defeated them, they ruled until 1964, when the liberals were returned to power. The new democratic party won, the Progressive Conservatives defeated CCF in 1982, but regained power in 1991. Tribes of Algonquin, Siouan, and Athapaskan were the first known people in Saskatchewan. Charles 11 gave Prince Ruperts Land to the Hudson Bay Company in 1670. About 1690 the first European visitor came to the area, his n ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Providence and Provision

Providence and Provision Providence and Provision Providence and Provision By Mark Nichol Providence and provision, and their forebear provide, all ultimately pertain to the notion of foresight. This post discusses these words and others with the same origin. That ancestor word is videre, the Latin verb meaning â€Å"see,† which gave birth to providere (â€Å"see ahead†). Provide’s literal sense extended to the figurative meanings of â€Å"act with foresight† and â€Å"prepare.† The noun form provision, originally used in the context of a church official’s appointment to a position not yet vacant, later also meant simply â€Å"something provided† and came to pertain, in plural form, to food supplies provided for a certain purpose, such as an expedition. (One who provides, meanwhile, is a provider.) Proviso, Latin for â€Å"provided,† refers to an introduction of a contractual condition or stipulation. Purvey, cognate with provide, is not as common as the latter word, but one who provides is sometimes referred to as a purveyor, as in a mercantile context. (The word took that form based on a passage through Old French and Anglo-French.) Purview, meaning â€Å"a range† or â€Å"a limit† or â€Å"the essence of a statute,† entered English by way of Old French and Anglo-French, descended from the same word as purvey. Provedore, likely from an Italian dialect by way of Portuguese and Spanish, is a synonym of purveyor, as is proveditore, which in the Republic of Venice also referred to a government official. Providence, which literally means â€Å"foresight,† had an implication of divine guidance as well as a secular connotation first in Latin and then in Old French as well as in English; in the religious context, the English word is often capitalized. Improvidence is the failure to foresee or prepare; the adjectival forms of the antonyms are provident and improvident. Cognate synonyms are prudence/prudent and imprudence/imprudent (the last word not to be confused with the unrelated word impudent, meaning â€Å"immodest† or â€Å"insolent†), which refer more broadly to discretion, shrewdness, or wisdom or the lack thereof. Improvisation, and the verb improvise, are also descended from providere, in the sense of improvised, or unprepared, behavior being unforeseen. The truncation improv refers to extemporaneous presentation, especially a spontaneous musical performance or a comedy routine, the latter sometimes based on topical prompts from audience members. (Improve and improvement are unrelated.) By extension, to improvise is to do something without forethought, as when reacting to an emergency or another unexpected situation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Definitely use "the" or "a"Writing the CenturyWords That Begin with Q

Saturday, October 19, 2019

RAL's Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

RAL's - Research Paper Example In spite of the high fees associated with RAL’s, most of those coming from the poor families are the ones who usually apply for it. There is an on-going battle between the government, the consumer advocates and tax preparation companies on the continued offering of Refund Anticipation Loans. Part I Refund Anticipation Loans (RAL’s) Defined A refund anticipation loan is a type of short term loan that is applied by a taxpayer, who wants an early claim on his tax refund. The amount that is acquired through the loan will be repaid by the taxpayer’s anticipated tax refund. It may also be called as â€Å"Rapid Refund† or â€Å"Instant Money.† A contract is provided by the financial institution to be signed by the taxpayer that serves as an assurance that the loan will be paid back through the taxpayer’s tax refund (â€Å"Refund Anticipation Loan Fraud†). Common interest rates for RAL’s start from 50% up to over 500%, the basis of whic h is the length of the time that is needed to process tax forms at the Internal Revenue Services (IRS), that is According to the Center for Responsible Lending. Although this type of loan has been claimed as a way for taxpayers to have their tax refunds earlier in their pockets, more often than not it is advanced only for just a few days or less as compared to the actual date that the IRS releases the tax refund (â€Å"Tax Refund Resources for Consumers†). RAL’s give taxpayers the opportunity to get their tax refund at a sooner date and be able to use the money earlier rather than wait for a couple more days. Even so, problems occur when someone opts to use a refund anticipation loan. Basically the lender knows that the money borrowed will be paid no matter what since the guarantee is the taxpayer’s tax refund; therefore, it is considered as a safer type of loan compared to the other types, but then risking everything just to get the money sooner seems to not so und good at all (Pritchard). Refund Anticipation Loans reflect the taxpayer’s income tax return. Those who would want to avail of this can apply in banks or lenders if they can’t wait till the IRS distributes the tax refunds (â€Å"Advantages of Refund Anticipation Loan†). Some Advantages of Refund Anticipation Loan Speed It will take just a couple of days for the borrowed money to reach the borrowers’ hands. So for those who will encounter any emergencies and are desperately in need, a refund anticipation loan is an instant solution to their problems, instead of waiting for weeks or months from the government (â€Å"Advantages of a Refund Anticipation Loan†). Ease While some people struggle to find companies that will allow them to borrow money due to a bad credit history or the incapacity to pay, with RAL’ s it may not be that difficult. Simply because there is security on the lenders’ part that the borrowed money is repaid through the tax refund, so getting the loan application approved is not at all hard (â€Å"Advantages of a Refund Anticipation Loan†). Fees Fees for services rendered are instantly deducted by the tax preparer from the refund. This could be advantageous to those who cannot even afford the fees that professional tax preparation companies charge (Deutch). Disadvantages of Refund Anticipation Loans It may be the solution to some people’s financial problem, but still there are things that have to be considered

Friday, October 18, 2019

Explain Geoffrey Parker's concept of the western way of War How does Essay - 1

Explain Geoffrey Parker's concept of the western way of War How does the Western way of war influence current US action in Iraq and Afghanistan - Essay Example II. What are the parallels between the US action in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the main concepts discussed in Western Way of War? The main parallel of the Middle East wars with Parker’s work is the use of the war strategy that focuses on the enemy’s total defeat and eventual destruction. A. How did the US respond in the face of the looming war in both countries? In the face of the looming wars, the US decided that it would be best to attack the two countries. The use of new military technology, techniques and strategy was evident in the US response. B. How did the military prepare for the attacks and counter attacks? The US was far inferior to the enemy in terms of numbers. This necessitated the use of advanced economic organization to make war strategies practical4. V. How Has the Western Way of War influenced the eventual outcome of the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan? The wars were being used as a tool to achieve what politics could not had had failed to achieve. The US used the war as a means of stamping its authority and advancing its politics in the two

2-1-5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2-1-5 - Essay Example led â€Å"structural adjustment problems that were exacerbated due to the lack of proper procedures by which the banks could carry out business in their respective areas of operation. Hence, the Lithuanian banking system can be characterized to be in a flux or in movement from a state owned one to a modern banking system. B) The Lithuanian banking system has been included in the common European currency area because of some of the factors discussed above. It has been included in the common European area due to the fact that its banking system has made the transition to the practices of the Euro region. On the other hand, the banking system in Lithuania has started to emerge from its socialist shadow and hence can be said to have matured enough to warrant inclusion into the common Euro area. Though the common Euro area is mainly a monetary union, the fact that the Lithuanian economy is developing a fast rate has resulted in its non-inclusion in the common Euro area. The other reasons or the cost benefit analysis that has been carried out has been in favor of the union with the Euro area because of the perceived gain to the Euro currency because of the relative robustness of the Lithuanian economy. C) The European central bank had a role to play in the transformation of the Lithuanian banking system from a pre-modern one to a modern one. The ECB has extended all possible help to the Lithuanian banking system to make this transition possible. However, the fact that Lithuania is a part of the Euro area has led to a relatively major role for the ECB and the way in which the ECB has been guiding the transition makes it a stronger player than the central bank of Lithuania in the transition process. The ECB has mandated several requirements to the central bank of Lithuania as part of the process for acceptance and it is to the credit of the Lithuanian baking authorities that many of these requirements have been met. D) The major export and import industries of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language Literature review

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language - Literature review Example Meanwhile, learning happens as a process rather than an event. This means that for the acquisition of second language to take place, there are series of things that a person should do, as learning a second language will not happen overnight. Mayer (2003) used the cognitive theory to explain the processes that take place in the course of second language acquisition. It was noted that the more interaction a person has with the language being learnt, the better the chances of acquiring it more easily and quickly. Meanwhile, the interactions that a person has with language often differ in potency and impact. For example using the multimedia principle, Mayer (2003, p. 33) explained that ‘the human information processing system contains an auditory/verbal channel and a visual/pictorial channel’. By implication, a person gets an easier grip of a particular language being learnt if provisions are made for all of auditory, verbal, visual and pictorial channels. However, using multimedia such as audio and video easily provides all these channels at a go (Neal, 2006). Based on this, when designing a website for acquisition of English as a second language, it will be beneficial to include audio and video files that wil l provide multimedia learning platforms, rather than use only written and verbal means of acquisition. Neal, L. (2006). Predictions for 2006 — E-learning experts map the road ahead. Elearn Magazine [online]. Available at [accessed 13 February

Strategy For Public Sector Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategy For Public Sector Organization - Essay Example This paper will critically analyze how public sectors are managed and why they fail to deliver quality and efficient services despite improved management. Role of public sectors organization Public sector organization plays a vital role in national economic growth. Economic growth of a country is relatively proportion to the growth and development of industries and infrastructures. Small enterprises also depend on the large enterprises as their suppliers and consumers. Development of infrastures and large organizations require huge capital to establish and most lending institutions can readily avail such facilities to public sectors and not to private owned organizations (Haider 2010). Infrastructures such as railways, sewerage pipes, power lines among others requires a huge investments and private owners cannot invest in such facilities that have low return but public sectors can invest in such infrastructural facilities that to provide important services to the public. Infrastructu re development helps to attract private investor into a region to provide other profitable service (Mohammed? and Umar n.y, P. 473). Publically owned organization always strive to maintain balanced growth across the region and area of operation by investing in both developed and undeveloped areas thus ensuring regional balances (Haider 2010). Government owned facilities like education institutions and heath institutions are fairly distributed across the national boundaries while private organization concentrate in urban area to boost their profit and minimize operation cost. Sparsely populated areas have higher uncertainty, low number of consumers and negative factors that profit based... This article stresses that the U.K has assumed a centralized target approach in the management of public service and public sector is not spared in this new trend of management and it is clear no single measure is conclusive in providing a lucid performance target where leadership anticipates a balanced perception in weighing financial and operations assessment in delivery of services. New performance targets in the United Kingdom were tied to budgetary allocation in all sectors of the public sector where performance indicators were set based on headline targets fragmented into detailed lower level targets. This paper makes a conclusion that public organizations are crucial to economic growth in any country since they provide basic services and goods for the general public despite the economical return to the economy and the organization. These services may not be profitable to the private sectors and therefore most private owned organization avoids them. Previously most public organizations were faced with several challenges such as funding, poor management, poor services, and discriminatory cultural practices among others. In recent times most organization has changed to adopt new strategy to improve their service delivery and competitive advantages. However there is need use more management tools and conduct intensive analysis of internal and external environmental factors that affect their service delivery to ensure that their strategy are effective and improve their management since lack of proper analysis has turned out tragic rather than beneficial.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language Literature review

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language - Literature review Example Meanwhile, learning happens as a process rather than an event. This means that for the acquisition of second language to take place, there are series of things that a person should do, as learning a second language will not happen overnight. Mayer (2003) used the cognitive theory to explain the processes that take place in the course of second language acquisition. It was noted that the more interaction a person has with the language being learnt, the better the chances of acquiring it more easily and quickly. Meanwhile, the interactions that a person has with language often differ in potency and impact. For example using the multimedia principle, Mayer (2003, p. 33) explained that ‘the human information processing system contains an auditory/verbal channel and a visual/pictorial channel’. By implication, a person gets an easier grip of a particular language being learnt if provisions are made for all of auditory, verbal, visual and pictorial channels. However, using multimedia such as audio and video easily provides all these channels at a go (Neal, 2006). Based on this, when designing a website for acquisition of English as a second language, it will be beneficial to include audio and video files that wil l provide multimedia learning platforms, rather than use only written and verbal means of acquisition. Neal, L. (2006). Predictions for 2006 — E-learning experts map the road ahead. Elearn Magazine [online]. Available at [accessed 13 February

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Hulk and The Incredible Hulk Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Hulk and The Incredible Hulk - Movie Review Example The Hulk originated as a superhero in the Ultimate Marvels comic books and has since gained world recognition and gained celebrity status as a movie hero. There has been much discussion and comparisons made between the 2003 Hulk Movie and the 2008 movie The Incredible Hulk and this will be discussed in this essay. It puts a life history to the character; he was adopted after David Banner, his father, accidentally killed his mother after causing an explosion at his lab when the government closed it down due to discovering his dangerous experiments. Baby Bruce was adopted after his father became institutionalised in a mental hospital.The 2008 movie The Incredible Hulk was directed by Louis Leterrier and the Hulk/Dr Bruce Banner was played by Edward Norton. This movie was not to be viewed as a sequel to the 2003 film and also rebooted the history of the character (Lee, 2008). Edward Norton was the screenwriter who rewrote the first draft written by Zak Penn, and attempted to base the story more on the Marvel Comic strip and the TV series than the 2003 movie had been. In this movie the Hulk was developed as a military project, a super soldier as was the Hulks character in the Ultimate Marvels comic books.... The Los Angeles Time movie review called it 'Freud for Dummies' (Dargis, 2003). There are comparisons also to make regarding the profits of the two movies. The Incredible Hulk in the US grossed $134,533,885 at the box office in its first 2 months compared to $132.2 million for the 2003 movie so whilst it appears both films were as successful inflation also has to be taken into account [1]. The films both received mixed reviews and so The Incredible Hulk had to overcome the negativity that The Hulk had received and according to many critics did not succeed its predecessor. In The Incredible Hulk an experiment goes wrong with Dr Bruce Banner being left with gamma radiation poisoning. Banner had been led to believe by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross that the purpose of the experiment was to make humans immune to gamma radiation poisoning and when the experiment fails Banners genes are mutated and he transforms into the Hulk. Like The Hulk film from 2003 the movie sees him avoiding capture by the military forces led by General 'Thunderbolt' Ross. Dr Banner seeks refuge in Brazil where he seeks to find a cure for his condition. Both films provide histories for the character and similarities do obviously occur, his love affair with Betty, and the centre of the story being the alter ego of Dr Bruce. The comparisons lye in the narration of how the Hulk developed into the alter ego of Dr Bruce Banner and the experiences he had. Bibliography [1] Dargis, Manohla. "Hulk" puts a Freudian spin on the dualities of human nature, but this monster is a little too mild" New York Times (20th June 2003) 11th November 2008

Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate Via Fischer Esterification Essay Example for Free

Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate Via Fischer Esterification Essay Isopentyl acetate, banana oil, is a naturally occurring compound that has a very distinct and recognizable odor. It is most commonly found in bananas but also can be found in other organisms. The purpose of this lab was to synthesize the ester isopentyl acetate via an acid catalyzed esterification (Fischer Esterification) of acetic acid with isopentyl alcohol. Emil Fischer and Arthur Speier were the pioneers of this reaction referred to as Fischer Esterification. The reaction is characterized by the combining of an alcohol and an acid (with an acid catalyst) to yield and ester plus water. In order to accomplish the reaction, the reactants were refluxed for an hour to yield the product. The advantages of using this particular esterification process is that is fairly simple to set up and recreate, as long as the proper acidic conditions are present. Experimental Section: The first step in this experiment was to set up a ring stand which will hold the glassware while the reflux process is occurring. After the ring stand was set up, a heating mantle was placed underneath the round-bottom flask and two rubber hoses were attached to the condensing tube. Now that the instruments were set up, the reagents were ready to be weighed and then added. Approximately 5 ml of isopentyl alcohol was added to a 10 ml graduated cylinder. Next, a 25 ml round bottom flask was placed on a cork ring and then tared on the balance. The alcohol was then added to the flask and the mass was recorded in a notebook. 7 ml of acetic acid was then added to the 10 ml graduated cylinder and then transferred to the 25 ml round bottom flask which already contained the alcohol. Approximately 1 ml of concentrated H2SO4 was added to the 25 ml round bottom flask and the mixture was swirled. Finally, a boiling chip was added to the round bottom flask and the reflux procedure was ready to commence. Water was then circulated through the condenser and the reaction was refluxed for an hour. After an hour went by, the reaction was removed from the mantel, while the condenser still circulated with water, and the mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, the mixture was then transferred to a separatory funnel using the funnel while avoiding adding the boiling chip. 10 ml of water was then added to the mixture. The mixture was gently shaken and the phases were allowed to separate. The funnel was then unstopped and the lower aqueous phase was drained into a beaker. 5 ml of 5% aqueous NaHCO3 was added and then shaken gently. A great deal of caution was taken into consideration because of the production of carbon dioxide gas which caused pressure to develop inside the funnel. The pressure needed to be released so the funnel was vented frequently. The phases were allowed to separate and the lower aqueous phases was drained into the beaker. After draining, 5 ml of saturated NaCl was added to the funnel and then shaken gently. Once again, the phases were allowed to separate and the lower aqueous phase was drained into a beaker. An ester product was produced and was transferred into a 25 ml Erlenmeyer flask. This organic product was then dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 to trap small amounts of water in its crystal lattices thus removing it from the product. Finally the ester was decanted, so that the drying agent was excluded from the final product. Results and Discussion: Fischer esterification is the primary way of synthesizing this ester. The reactants involved in this reaction are isopentyl alcohol and acetic acid. Fischer esterification is the nucleophilic addition of isopentyl alcohol to the carbonyl group of the protonated acetic acid. Nucleophilic addition is followed by elimination of a proton. An unstable tetrahedral intermediate forms. This intermediate undergoes dehydration and reforms the carbonyl group. Reformation of the carbonyl group forms the isopentyl acetate. The driving force behind the mechanism of this reaction is the acidic environment. Conclusion: Fischer esterification is a very simple and useful method that anyone with a slight knowledge of chemistry could accomplish. It is widely utilized throughout the world of chemistry and can be used to produce many products, including isopentyl acetate.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Examining The Varied Heritage Of Indian Culture Cultural Studies Essay

Examining The Varied Heritage Of Indian Culture Cultural Studies Essay One thing in which India faces no competition is its varied culture and heritage. The culture of India has been shaped by the long history of India, its unique geography and the absorption of customs, traditions and ideas from some of its neighbors as well as by preserving its ancient heritages, which were formed during the Indus Valley Civilization and evolved further during the Vedic age, rise and decline of Buddhism, Golden age, Muslim conquests and European colonization. Indias great diversity of cultural practices, languages, customs, and traditions are examples of this unique co-mingling over the past five millennia. At all levels India has added great number of languages in to the diverse cultures and traditions. There were 1000 (if you count regional dialects and regional words) languages are spoken by Indians Altogether, but unfortunately now there are 415 living languages in India. The Constitution of India has stipulated the national language Hindi and English to be the two official languages of communication for the Union Government. India is one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world, with some of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. Religion still plays a central and definitive role in the life of most of its people. India is the birth place of Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism Today, Hinduism and Buddhism are the worlds third- and fourth-largest religions respectively, with around 1.4 billion followers India, being a multi-cultural and multi-religious society, celebrates holidays and festivals of various religions. The three national holidays in India, the Independence Day, the Republic Day and the Gandhi Jayanti, are celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm across India. In addition, many states and regions have local festivals depending on prevalent religious and linguistic demographics. Popular religious festivals include the Hindu festivals of Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga puja, Holi, Rakshabandhan and Dussehra. Several harvest festivals, such as Sankranthi, Pongal and Onam, are also fairly popular. Certain festivals in India are celebrated by multiple religions. Notable examples include Diwali which celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains and Buddh Purnima which is celebrated by Buddhists and Hindus. Islamic festivals, such Eid ul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Ramadan, are celebrated by Muslims across India. Well different religions have unlike practices, rituals and all but in these entire dissimilarities one thing common is the way they greet each. Namaskar or Namaskaram is a common spoken greeting or salutation in the India. Namaskar is considered a slightly more formal version than namastà © but both express deep respect. It is commonly used in India and Nepal by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists, sikhs and many continue to use this outside the Indian subcontinent. In Indian and Nepali culture, the word is spoken at the beginning of written or verbal communication. However, the same hands folded gesture is made wordlessly upon departure. In yoga, namastà © is said to mean The light in me honors the light in you, taken literally, it means I bow to you Food is an important part of Indian culture, playing a role in everyday life as well as in festivals. In many families, everyday meals are sit-down affairs consisting of two to three main course dishes, varied accompaniments such as chutneys and pickles, carbohydrate staples such as rice and roti (bread), as well as desserts. Food is not just important for an Indian family by ways of eating, but it is also taken as a sort of socializing, getting together with a family of many. Indian cuisine varies from region to region, Generally, Indian cuisine can be split into four categories: North, South, East, and West Indian. Despite this diversity, some unifying threads emerge. Varied uses of spices are an integral part of food preparation, and are used to enhance the flavor of a dish and create unique flavors and aromas. Cuisine across India has also been influenced by various cultural groups that entered India throughout history, such as the Persians, Mughals, and European powers. Different religions, languages, festivals, cuisine and now different clothing. Traditional Indian clothing for women is the saris and also Ghaghra Cholis (Lehengas). For men, traditional clothes are the Dhoti, pancha veshti or Kurta. Bombay, also known as Mumbai, is one of Indias fashion capitals. In some village parts of India, traditional clothing mostly will be wornBindi is part of the womens make-up. Traditionally, the red bindi (or sindhur) was worn only by the married Hindu women, but now it has become a part of womens fashion As far as Indian art is concerned, music and dance from an integral part of Indian arts. The music of India includes multiples varieties of religious, folk, popular, pop, and classical musicIndian dance and music considered to be just another form of entertainment, traces  its origins back several thousands of years. Music is the language of emotion and is an important part of the Indian culture. Music and dance are  languages   by themselves, capable of expressing subtle thoughts and refined ideas. Few of the Indian dance forms are Baratnatyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, odissi, Mohiniattam and many more.While naturally evolving with the dynamic forces of history and creative influence of great masters, these traditions have maintained the integrity of their fundamental  heritage.  

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Analysis of Elizabeth Bishops 12 OClock News Essay -- 12 O Clock

An Analysis of Elizabeth Bishop's 12 O'Clock News In â€Å"12 O’Clock News,† Elizabeth Bishop accentuates the difficulty involved in perceiving the â€Å"truth.† She utilizes a technique of constructing an exotic world out of objects that can be found in a newsroom. By defamiliarizing a newsroom, she questions our trust in what we perceive. Is it truly a journey to another world or just another perspective on something we are already familiar with? The intent of this transformation is to create a substitute for reality, analogous to the substitute reality which the media presents to us each day as its product, the â€Å"news.† The news media are capable of creating a world beyond what we see everyday, presenting us with what appears to be the truth about cultures we will never encounter firsthand. Bishop’s manipulation of a newsroom parallels the way the media distorts our perception of the world, and by doing so questions our ability to find our way out of this fog which is â€Å"reality.† By choosing the newsroom to manipulate in â€Å"12 O’Clock News,† Bishop draws attention to the relationship between the news and the public. Bishop never directly admits that it is a newsroom with which she has defamiliarized us. One indication of the setting being a newsroom is the format in which she presents the information. Along the left margin, Bishop includes a title or subject matter for each stanza, similar to the inclusion of a headline for each news story. These titles serve as clues to the reality of what she is presenting, allowing or urging us to relate the two or to keep in mind that although the objects she presents seem foreign, they are actually common and known to us. Comparing the two creates a clouding of perception; although the truth or... ...ndition of society. It is also somewhat optimistic since Bishop refers to the soldiers as â€Å"our opponents† or what we do not want to become. This alludes to the war that we must fight against ourselves to discern our path through the cloudy air that surrounds us. As much as we would like to believe this optimism, even that is unclear because Bishop delivers the entire poem with such skepticism that the words cannot be taken at face value. Is it possible to have a â€Å"superior vantage point,† or is this too optimistic? This â€Å"superior vantage point† could also be an admittance that Bishop herself is acting as the new media, throwing everything perceived throughout the poem into further question and cloudiness, leaving everything uncertain and up to us to elucidate. Work Cited * Elizabeth Bishop, â€Å"12 O’Clock News,† in Geography III (New York: Noonday Press, 1988).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Big MAck :: essays research papers

Sunday Night Match – up: Big Mac vs. Whopper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By reading that comparison of the Big Mac and the Whopper, many pros and cons came to mind. For every good thing the Big Mac has, the Whopper doesn’t, and for every good thing the Whopper has, the Big Mac doesn’t. For instance, the Whopper has only one beef patty that is only slightly larger than one of the Big Mac’s 2 beef patties. Both of thee hamburgers are relatively the same price, yet both have different things to offer. The Big Mac’s beef patties are fried, and the Whoppers patties are broiled. The broiled beef patties are better for you healthwise then the fried patties are. The Big Mac still offers more to the customer for the same price though. Or does it? The Whopper only uses 2 slices of bread, while the Big Mac uses 3. The Whopper seems to be better for your health than the Big Mac. Even though it doesn’t offer as much food, the nutritional value would be better for the human consumption. The whopper has brolied beef, which is healthier than the Big Macs Fried beef. The slices of onion that are on top of the Whopper could very possibly add up to be more onion on top of the Big Mac, which would give the consumer more nutrition, and worse breath. Once again the Whopper offers 2-3 slices of tomato while the Big Mac offers lettuce. 2-3 slices of tomato is proven to have better nutrition than 1slice of lettuce. Both ketchup and Mayonnaise are used as toppings on the Whopper. While only â€Å"sauce† is used on the Big Mac. For all we know the Big Mac special sauce could be ground up rat meat

Sir, Gawain’s Traits

Gawain’s rise to the game. Arthurian legends are medieval romances that tell wondrous tales of fantasy and chivalry. The chivalric code of knights was highly revered as a way of life. This code of bravery honor and loyalty was followed by every knight and royal in the medieval ages. Sir Gawain and the Green knight is a medieval romance that demonstrates Sir Gawain’s demonstrations and lack there of chivalry through his bravery, loyalty and honor. However he follows the code of chivalry more so than breaking it.One of Gawain’s traits that made him a model of chivalry is his bravery in the face of danger. Gawain was ready to take the challenge of the green knight and save his king from it as soon as he could. â€Å"Command me to step down from the dais and take this game. †(ML 123-124) King Arthur was the only knight to step up to the challenge, and seeing this wanting to protect him Sir Gawain decides to take the game from him. â€Å"’only you as my uncle have I any honor. † (ML138) In this situation, Gawain is also being loyal to his king and uncle by saving his life in taking the game. Gawain shows both modesty and hid courtesy towards his queen all just moments from he shows his bravery. â€Å"‘That I might without bad manners move down from my place (though I couldn’t if my liege lady disliked it)’ â€Å"(ML 128-129). Gawain is saying that he will listen to whatever his queen says to do, regardless of the situation he is in. Before he takes the challenge of the knight Gawain states â€Å"’My life would be the least missed if. † (Ml 137) Gawain, while sounding somewhat critical of himself, is actually demonstrating his great sense of modesty during the story Honor is a trait that is not found very much in this day and age. In the end, the lord of the castle discovers that not even Gawain was honorable to him. â€Å"You have failed me in our exchange, so I’ve trapped you here , that sash you wear by your scabbard belongs to me’† (ML348-350). Another trait that is highly regarded in this day and age is faith. There is faith in religion, faith in yourself, or even faith in objects.Gawain puts faith in a magical green sash that is enchanted and would save his life. (67) In conclusion, Gawain follows the code of chivalry and makes a worthy knight of the round table. Granted that some of the traits of chivalry are not his strong suit, Gawain still follows true to the almighty code that all of the knights follow. Any mistake that Sir Gawain made during this he was either forgiven for, or they went unnoticed, given that this is straying from the code, in the end Gawain is still the most worthy knight of the round table.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Personal Goals HCS/301

Personal Goals HCS/301 February 14, 2011 Abstract In this paper I will discuss my personal goals that I have reached and continue to strive for. With that being said, I have many accomplishments such as; volunteer work, maintaining my family, learning new nursing positions, overcoming my personal health issues, and committing myself to return for a higher education and further career development. Having been in the medical field for over twenty years, I have seen many advances in healthcare.With the changing medical profession I have come to the realization in order to understand the different aspects of nursing, it is crucial for me to continue to strive towards new goals in my nursing profession. My goals have made an impact on my nursing career and the various paths I have challenged, I have come to recognize the importance of understanding that with knowledge and wisdom I have grown in my experiences. Personal Goals Growing up as an only child, I realized at a young age that I ha d many opportunities to explore.When I was young I always put others first. I spent many hours with family members whom were nurses. I admired them for their dedication to the health and well being of others. Having been shown lots of love and commitment throughout my life is the reason why I decided to help others. When I was fifteen I began volunteering at my local community hospital. This hospital is where I remain working today. As a child, I chose to work towards a career in nursing. My first goal I chose was to be a volunteer at the hospital.This was the beginning of my commitments to the community. According to The Journal of Educational Psychology, there are Mastery goals and Performance goals. Mastery goals are motivated through individual desire while performance goals are concerned with appearing capable and competitive to others (Educational Psychology, 2006, p. 354). Performance goals apply to me because I have the influence and motivation of my family. Through many exp eriences I have found that personal goals are achievable. All you need is hard work and determination.This often requires an increased workload, which leads to increased stress. Keeping these thoughts in mind can help me achieve my short and long-term goals. Goals to me range from high priority to low priority. With my continuing desire for a higher education this is where I am today. I have chosen to attend The University of Phoenix for a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Short-term goals for me begin with getting though my daily tasks. I have found that keeping a planner is a valuable tool; this helps me with my time management and prioritizes my short-term goals.As a Registered Nurse working full-time with a family of five, planning is always necessary to keep my life manageable. Getting though household duties, bills, school, homework and baseball practices can become overwhelming. The thought of having enough time to cook or even enjoy meals seems impossible. Unfortunately , I have been living with Systemic Lupus for the last six years, which has consisted of endless doctor appointments and lab work. This has been a tremendous journey for my family and I. My goals during this time have been to decrease stress and improve my health through exercise and meditation.Ultimately, I want to continue to maintain lower levels of stress and achieve an optimal health level to reach my goals. Twenty years ago I graduated from Golden West Community College with my Associate Degree in Nursing. This was quite a struggle and an overwhelming experience for me. My family was young and there were many countless tiring hours involved in order to achieve my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. Becoming a registered nurse was a great milestone and an amazing accomplishment for me. Graduating from college was a step towards my personal devotion to my future patients.Upon completion of my Associate Degree in Nursing, I was hired as Registered Nurse in the Medical/Surgical un it. After several months as a practicing nurse, my manager encouraged me to take the opportunity to become a charge nurse. This was an ambition of mine from the beginning. I knew I had the abilities to take charge and lead a team. With the knowledge and strengths of my senior nurses, I began to develop my leadership skills. Listening and participating as a team member helped me learn from my fellow nurses as they shared their experiences with me.I was never too proud to listen or learn. I have continued to remain this way throughout my nursing career. This has been beneficial to me because I can lead and listen to a team. From the beginning I realized that the key elements were communication and teamwork. My goals increased from there, and I knew I had to take further classes in order to develop my skills. I became certified in Advanced Certified Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and after three years of this experience my next goal was to advance into Pediatric nurs ing.I was offered a job on a Pediatric Oncology floor at Loma Linda University Medical Center, Children’s Hospital. I became chemo certified and began working with pediatric cancer patients. I challenged myself into working in critical care pediatric oncology. This was an extremely emotional experience in my nursing career. Having stayed on that unit for four and a half years, I was ambitious for a new goal. I ventured out for a new experience and applied for a recovery room nurse position at Placentia Linda Hospital. While working in the recovery room, I then trained to become an operating room nurse.My leadership and organizational skills became apparent; I was then promoted into a charge nurse position. I continued to want to learn more about leadership so I took a position as an assistant administrator at a new non-established surgery center. This goal was by far the most exciting for me. It showed me another component of nursing and leadership. As, Ivey Business Journal described, the purpose of learning a goal is to stimulate one’s imagination, to engage in discovery and to â€Å"Think outside of the box† (Ivey Business Journal, 2006, p. 1).Not only did I have to think about ideal patient care, I had to be a director of a team, deal with finances, and be in direct line of fire of the physicians who owned the facility. After three and a half years of growing and expanding my knowledge of administration, as well as being a patient care advocate, my appreciation for my profession has grown fonder and I am ready to pursue a higher level of management. Eventually, I would like to become a director of surgery services. This will allow me to become part of a planning team, decrease my stress level, and provide a better quality of life for my family and myself.In conclusion, I have come to realize that the profession I have chosen has given me a great sense of pride. I have accomplished many goals thus far in my nursing career, but looking f orward to achieving more. I started out as a volunteer, and eventually became a charge nurse where I continue to excel. Rogers (2007) stated, â€Å"Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there† (p. 95). I have chosen to continue challenging myself in my career by developing new ways to lead, manage, and listen to my peers. The commitment to extend my education has brought new goals.These goals include: receiving my Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and to continue developing new strategies to enhance my abilities as a team leader and further advance to a director position. References Mestas, M. , Urdan, T. (2006). The goals behind performance goals. The Journal of Educational Psychology,Vol. 98(2), 354-365. Latham, G. , Seijts, G. P. (2006). Learning goals or performing goals: Is it the journey or the destination? Ivey Business Journal, Vol. 70(5), 1-6. Bishop, J. , Carter, C. , Katz, J. R. , Lyman, S. (2006). Values, Goals,Ti me, and Stress. The Keys to Nursing Success, 95.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Visual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Visual Analysis - Essay Example The picture comprises of four groups of human elements. These are: Batman, Batkid, a policeman and people on the street. Non-human elements in the photo include trees, buildings, batman’s motor vehicle, a bicycle and another motor vehicle. In the picture’s foreground we see Batman, Batkid and an automobile. Batman is seen to be standing and encouraging Batkid in the picture. In the picture, Batman is portrayed as wearing his â€Å"Batman’s† costume as is usually the case in sci-fi movies when he is fighting villains. On Batman’s side we see Batkid who seems anxious and somehow agitated. Batkid has worn a costume that is similar to the costume that Batman is wearing. However, Batkid has put on black shoes with orange laces unlike Batman who is wearing black boots with black laces. From Bat kid’s left side there is a motor vehicle, the vehicle has Batman’s emblem engraved on its hood. The vehicle in the picture seems to be a sports car, most probably a Lamborghini. It is assumed that this is Batman’s automobile. In the picture, it seems as though Batman and Batkid have just alighted from Batman’s automobile. In the background of the picture various objects are visible. The background of a picture can indicate the location of a picture (Lester, 2006). The picture shows Batman’s vehicle as having stopped at a passenger crossing on a street. Behind the vehicle there are trees which have green leaves. This shows that the picture could either have been taken during summer time or the start of the autumn. From the picture, we are also able to view a block of buildings. The buildings are behind the trees and are made of concrete. The buildings seem to be modern and thus we can conclude that the picture was shot on a city street. In the background of the picture we are also able to view an audience that seems very elated to see Batman and Batkid. Many of the audience in the picture are wearing coats. T his could be because of cold weather and thus we can conclude that the picture was taken during autumn. From the picture we can also observe a policeman behind Batman and Batkid. The policeman is in a vehicle that is opposite Batman’s vehicle and is seen to be peeking outside the vehicle’s window. Focal Point Batkid is the focal point of The Batkid picture. The main point of focus in an image is its focal point (Lester, 2006). From the picture it is evident that the main point of focus was on Batman and Batkid with a lot of emphasis laid on Batkid. While taking the picture, the photographer seemed to have focused more on Batman and Batkid as compared to events happening in their background. The photographer seems to have especially paid greater attention to Batkid, trying to bring out the finer details of Batkid. The photographer is able to capture Batkid’s belt which has Batman’s emblem. The photo also lays some emphasis on Batkid’s gait. Colors T he most abundant color in the picture is the black color. Various elements in the photo are colored black or have black adornment. Batkid has a black costume which is also the case for Batman’s costume. The vehicle that Batman and Batkid seem to have alighted from is a black vehicle. From the background of the photo we are able to see a fan of Batman, behind the vehicle, who is wearing a black coat. Many of the audience in the photo are also dressed in black coats. The tarmac on which Batman’

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Equations of motion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Equations of motion - Assignment Example In rotational motion, the forces generate angular acceleration as well as where the point where the force is applied. Thus, angular acceleration is generated by torque. Torque is the product of the applied force and the moment arm, (N-m). Its magnitude is expressed as . In order to understand angular motion, an experiment was set to investigate the rotation motion of objects. The objective of the experiment was to utilize the knowledge in physics in performing it without the assistance of computer simulation to measure time and determine and predict the velocity of a rotating object. Angular motion can be described through the use of linear velocity and acceleration. But it is not convenient to use the same since the linear velocity and acceleration are dependent on the distance from a rotation axis. Angular quantities can thus be used to describe rotational kinematics and dynamics in complete analogy with linear dynamics and kinematics. The angular displacement of a solid disk rotating about a fixed axis is the angle at which the disk turns. The convention is that a displacement is positive if clockwise and negative when counterclockwise. The unit of measurement is the radian (rad), which is dimensionless. A radian is the ration of the arc length to the radius. The total arc length around a complete circle is the circumference, and thus there are 2 radians in 360Â °. Therefore, one radian is equal to 57.3Â °. Angular velocity is the rate of change of an angle with respect to time, and it is the same for all parts of a rotating body. It is a vector quantity and thus, its direction is along the axis of rotation. Its unit is radians/second. Angular acceleration is the rate of change of this velocity and is expressed

Monday, October 7, 2019

Gun Control is Not the Ticket to Peace Assignment

Gun Control is Not the Ticket to Peace - Assignment Example In this respect, the effectiveness of the gun control laws will be the deterrent of the incidences of shootings, but not stopping such incidences from occurring altogether (Griffith, n.p.). The logic behind this observation is that; the increase in the incidences of shootings is not caused by the highest number of licensed guns that the government has issued to the civilians. In fact, if we would like to be candid with ourselves, we would then agree that virtually all the incidences of public shootings are as a result of guns that are acquired illegally (Smith, n.p.). Consequently, the establishment of gun control laws may help to instil fear on the legal gun holders not to shoot at others, but such efforts will have no effects on the criminals and social deviants who rule and operate the black markets. Further, it is also essential to pose and reflect for a moment on the major reasons why those people who shoot at the public do so. Is it because they have acquired a licensed gun and are trying to test its efficiency? Is it because they have been licensed to hold a gun and they want the rest of the public to realize that they are legal gun holders who can now shoot at anyone, anywhere and at any time? Or is it because such people are feeling that their security is highly threatened by the innocent schoolchildren and so they enter the school premises, draw their guns and shoot at them? The reality attests to none of the above. Thus, the core of the problem does not lie in the possession of a gun; legal or illegal, but in the state of the mind of the gun holder (Pacharis, n.p.). In this respect, if we are to address the problem of people shooting at innocent children and other unarmed members of the public, then we have to think in direction of treating the core of the problem of the attackers, which is their mental health. The tragedy of mass murder is not committed by individuals who are sane, but mostly by just a small section of the society that has a mental health problem.  Ã‚  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

International trade Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International trade - Research Paper Example However like every theory this connection between trade and economic growth and between trade and poverty might be empirically verified. If such a relation holds true then it will automatically provide a ground for the stagnant economies and the developing nations to remove trade barriers and introduce incentives to facilitate the same. Even the developed countries pursue protectionist policies on products related to agriculture, textiles and steel, which are, imported from the less developed nations. Initially the international organizations were pressuring the developing nations to liberalize their economies on the basis of structural adjustment loans. Currently their policies are changing as their attention shifts more towards the developed nations with respect to the removal of trade barriers in nations like Canada, EU and Japan. (Spanu, May 2003, p.1) The basis of all these lie in the theory of trade as an engine of growth and as a step towards reduction of poverty. Most of the literatures studied are in the context of developing or emerging economies. It will be interesting to study the impact of trade in the context of a developed nation like USA, which has recently undergone a vulnerable state of its economy. Hence it is important to empirically verify this theory through the study. Next the theory of trade as an engine of growth might be considered at the background of our research as already mentioned before. According to Adam Smith, David Ricardo and their followers, the secret of England’s wealth lay in trade related activities carried out by the ancient sailors. Without the occurrence of trade, the economy would have remained a closed one with poor living standards, which could gradually lead to the downfall of the economy. According to Smith, â€Å"trade extended the size of the market, promoted specialization and generated prosperity through its gains.† (Mehmet, 44) In

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Group Development Intro and Conclusion only Assignment

Group Development Intro and Conclusion only - Assignment Example There are studies which support the concept that groups influence work behavior. A group is composed of individuals working together towards common goals by interacting with one another and utilizing appropriate resources. They need a certain period of time for common interests to be discussed, explained and internalized so that stability and efficiency would ensue. From the cohesiveness that a group develops, certain level of performance is achieved. Groups have to be planned not only in their formation but more so in their development for them to be productive and efficient. Each team undergoes varies stages of development depending on their size and objectives. The extent of cohesiveness that a team develops influences the level of performance of a group. High performing teams are influenced by factors such as mission, roles, leadership, communication, decision-making, systems/procedures, climate, rewards, and competence. It is learning how these teams evolve from a basic structure composed of individuals to a complex, performing team that makes theoretical applications of group development

Friday, October 4, 2019

Development from Conception to 16 Years Essay Example for Free

Development from Conception to 16 Years Essay E1- The age group I have chosen to describe is birth to 3 year olds on their physical development and communication and language development. In this age range the physical development changes from birth where they generally don’t do anything which develops as between 3 – 6 months the child can hold a rattle for a moment, reaching for a toy, putting toys in their mouth, lifting their head up, moving their arms to indicate wanting to be picked up and rolling over. This development changes much more as when the child is 9 – 18 months as they can grasp objects, can sit unsupported, can crawl , can point at objects, start to use a spoon and self-feed, start to walk, start to scribble and build a tower of three blocks. Then at 2 years the child can draw circles and dots, can use spoons to feed their self’s effectively, can run, climb on furniture and use sit and ride toys. At 3 years the child can do all the stuff from the ages before but also turn the pages of a book, wash and dry their own hands, run forwards and backwards, kick a stationary ball and throw a ball as this develop is done with the help of the child’s family as the encourage the child’s physical development. The communication and language development happens because at this age there co-operation from early motherese by asking them to show you objects and then learn to follow simple instructions but their communication and language develops as first all the can do is cry and make cooing noises which then turns to babbling at 6 – 10 months where they â€Å"goo† and â€Å"ma† as the child blends vowels and consonants together to make tuneful sounds. Then at around 12 months this develops to the child saying â€Å"momma† and â€Å"dada† as they start to show facial expressions and gestures but can now combine sounds. From 1 – 2 years they learn more words so they can make mini sentences when they speak and manage to name things when you point to something, and from 2 – 3 years they can communicate well and manage to ask questions and say full sentences as at this age there is a large increase in a child’s vocabulary combined with an increase in the use sentences. E2- The age group I have chosen to describe is 3 – 7 year olds on their physical development and communication and language development. In this age range the physical development changes from being 3 years and being able to just learning to walk and run, walk on their tiptoes, wash and dry their hands, put a coat on and off and use a spoon to feed them self’s without the  food spilling. To when they are 4 – 5 years where the child should start being able to button and unbutton their own clothing, cut simple shapes, put puzzles together specifically for their age range, write their name, form letters, draw recognisable pictures, cut out shapes with scissors, draw around a template, walk on a line, hop on one foot, skip with a rope, run quickly avoiding objects and use a variety of large equipment on their own (e.g. slide, swings†¦). Then at the age 6 – 7 years the child should be able to join handwriting, cut shapes out accurately, make detailed dra wings, tie and untie shoelaces, hop, skip and jump confidently, chase and dodge others, balance on a beam and use a bicycle. This is because in this age the child is helped through their physical development by their parents, family, teachers and peers as they encourage the child. Communication and language development happens very effectively in this age range as at 3 – 4 years they are able to ask questions and be fascinated with answers given to them by saying â€Å"if† to find out what happens, say their name age address and be more accurate in speaking how they pronounce words. At 4-7 years the child tries to understand the meaning of words, talk more confidently and begins to be more and more fluent, manages to add vocabulary all of the time in their speech, begin to share ideas, begin to realise different situations and define what objects are, this is because in this age range a child masters the basic skills of language and masters the reproduction of most sounds. E3- One theoretical perspective linking to E1 and E2 is Chomsky’s theory of language development. His theory is a nativist theory as he suggests that humans have a built in ability to learn a language. Chomsky states that children have a â€Å"Language Acquisition Device† (LAD) which encodes the major principles of a language into a child’s brain. Chomsky’s theory also states that children are able to use language so accurately from an early age because they only have to learn the new vocabulary and apply the structures from the LAD to form sentences. Chomsky believes that they cannot be learning the language purely through imitation as the speech around them is often broken and ungrammatical. Even with extremely complex languages children will become fluent in their native language by the age of 5 or 6. A second theoretical perspective linking to E1 and E2 is Skinner’s theory of language development. Skinner’s theory is a nurture or behaviouristic theory. According to Skinner’s theory a child initially  acquires through an operant process this means that the child learns voluntarily without any external force so learning of its own free will and without any sort of pressure. According to Skinner the whole process is based upon 4 elements as it is stated on which are â€Å"stimulus, response, reinforcement and repetition†. For example a child will make a sound if they want something. If the child gets the response it wants they will associate that sound with the act or response and will continue to use it to achieve that response. Skinner believes that learning language is no different from learning anything else and anything which is lodged in the mind of the child becomes part and parcel of the child’s life. E5- for my observations I have done a tick chart, time sample and written narrative on a child aged 3 years and 11 months E6- In order to maintain confidentiality throughout the observations each child is referred to as child A, B or X rather than their names being used so that other people do not recognise who we are observing should they know the child. Each setting is referred to in a general form such as primary school, pre-school and nursery. The information gathered is only accessible to the observer and in some cases the teacher or a high member of staff if something is noticed that is either of a concern or needs addressing. Also maintaining confidentiality is very important in a setting as it shows respect to people so then they can trust you so if they have any concerns then can come and tell you. But if a child is at risk confidentially may be broken if a practitioner thinks child protection should know. D1- The observations that I carried out show that child A struggles to recognise numbers and letters in general. This may be because they are a kinaesthetic learner and is more confident in absorbing information through practical methods rather than through visual methods. This suggests that child A needs more help with their numbers and writing so to help we could plan activities to help do these which are more appropriate to the child’s learning style and suggest at home they practise counting and writing to develop on this to get them up to the same or a similar level as the rest in their year. Also the observations show that child A is not yet confident about showing and talking to the rest of the class at show and tell, this may be because the child is very shy which could be because the child is not used to being at the school yet and doesn’t feel confident enough as they might still not know everyone and become shy because they  have never noticed or spoke to s ome of their peers. D2- the observations in E4 can help with planning to meet the child’s needs as from observing you can see the child’s interests and find the best way to help them reach the next level of development or ways to maintain a desirable behaviour. Doing observations also helps early years practioners learn more about the age group they are working with so then they will be able to plan activities to each individuals learning styles and individual needs. For example the child I observed in E4 is not very confident talking to the whole class at show and tell so from knowing that I would plan for them to do group work with friends at first then try and mix groups so she still has 2 friends with her so they can make new friends with the people in the class they haven’t spoken to, to try and gain confidence to talk to all other peer’s in the class. Also the child turned out to be a kinaesthetic learner so while planning I would make sure there are activities to just get on with and do so the child can do activities that are to their interest and learning style as well as trying things that are not their favourite learning style but my help them in some way. C- Confidentiality and objective observation are both subjects that are seen as important; this is because confidentiality is very important in teaching and for practioners to keep confidentiality which means they can only speak of things they have seen in the workplace to other members of the staff or supervisors if it is a concern, but no one else outside of the placement should be informed. By using confidentiality we are assuring the safety of the child and their family. Also we are able to make and keep a reputation for ourselves and the setting so we gain the trust of parents, guardians and the local community by protecting information and the children plus working to a child’s best interest. Each child and their family are diverse as they all have their own differences so if we include every child in an observation it shows to be unbiased. The issues which are essential to confidentiality are personal attitudes and values, sharing information, safe storage of information, working with parents, legal requirements and polices.