Saturday, December 28, 2019

Interview On Loss Death. Throughout This Semester, We

Interview on Loss Death Throughout this semester, we have learned about death as both a process and an event. Much of the information has come from Death Dying, Life Living (Corr Corr, 2012), which offers a fairly comprehensive look at death, dying, and bereavement. This textbook has taught about death and dying from many perspectives, including the legal, philosophical, psychological, and social aspects of it. We began the semester by looking at our own history of loss and how it has impacted our attitude towards death. To continue extending our study outside of the classroom, we were instructed to discuss loss, grief, and bereavement experiences with someone we do not personally know well. This was quite a learning†¦show more content†¦Although self-disclosure is sometimes discouraged in counseling, in this case it was important for a few reasons. One is because for a young adolescent, as this boy was, a close family death may be the biggest or one of the most traumatic events of their l ifetime so far and she wanted to help him see that it was a difficult but not abnormal life experience. Second, sometimes children need to be given permission to talk about such events and know it is ok to admit difficulty in coping. Finally, then when he asked about what she did to cope with it, it provided an opportunity to model and teach appropriate grief and coping behaviors, which our textbook (Corr Corr, 2012) states is a common need of bereaved children. She shared with me about a support she recently learned about that could help him or other children she works with in the future. In Indianapolis, Brooke’s Place offers support groups and counseling for children and adolescents dealing with grief and loss. This supportive and safe environment seems to embody much of what Corr and Corr (2012) suggests children need when facing grief and loss. This resource may be helpful not only for her professionally in the future, but also for me, as I hope to work with children or families in my career. When we were not talking about our professional role as social workers working with children, Katrina spent a good amount of our time together talking about how she has been struggling lately with helping herShow MoreRelatedThe Cuban Series Of Learning1610 Words   |  7 Pages Throughout the Cuban series of learning in this semesters class, has orchestrated a vast perception of learning of a nations struggle for independence. In formulating a conclusion to interpret the views of the Cuban authors that were influenced by the Cuban revolution, their perception solely captures the struggle of the land. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

People Change in Night by Elie Wiesel Essay - 581 Words

Night. It’s mostly a black darkness, but the stars and the moon can light it up. Night is also what Elie Wiesel felt during his experience in World War 1. This experience was a dull experience, filled with violence and black darkness in the hearts of the Germans. But, there were â€Å"stars and a moon† which were his Father and friends who lit up parts of this experience. But, the experience caused his heart to change in more ways then one. It changed who remained dear to him, his thinking, and his way of life. It practically changed his whole life, and he was no longer seen as the same Elie that was he was before. In the beginning, he had many stars to light up this black experience, but one by one these stars disappeared. Slowly, but surely†¦show more content†¦That was the point where he lost all faith. After that, even when everyone else was fasting, he refused to. This was also part due to the fact that his father would not let him. But, in his mind, he sa w it that even if his father would have allowed him to, he still would not have. The way of life that the old Elie lived by was to always respect those around him. But, that Elie no longer existed. He learnt that it was every man for himself, and no longer cared as much to help those around him, but cared more about himself and his father. At one point, near the end, Elie’s father was dieing, but Elie still went to fetch his father a portion of soup each day. Despite the fact that keeping his father alive was making him suffer, he carried on. Even after people told him that he should stop, he didn’t listen. But, if he had stopped feeding his father, then that would have added another bowl of soup for another day for someone, but he refused to think about how it would benefit others, and only thought of himself and his father. So, even though Elie realized his changes, and the fact that his sky was getting dark, he still continued to change. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Art And Philosophy Essay Example For Students

Art And Philosophy Essay Our ancestors first sought to understand themselves and their surroundings through the invention of myths and the worshipping of gods. The Greeks, for example, created gods like Athena and Aries to explain the concept of wisdom and war respectively. I would like to think, contrary to common thought, that this is not a matter of ignorance but of an answering of a basic primal need in humans that still exists today the need for symbolism, for the human mind is weak and needs constantly to be reminded of what they value most ideals and emotions. That is what set the stage for art, whose purpose lies in exploring what man thought and felt. But the limitless capabilities of man, like a fast spreading disease, is so shocking that the boundless expansion of art is quickly making it necessary for man to attempt to define it in order to gain control of, and understand it. Already, the history of art in the 19th century alone has seen movements like realism and impressionism that challenges, time and again, what can be perceived as the notion of art. The underlying concern is that very soon art will not exist, because art is like a garden; though the flowers have to be allowed to bloom freely, a lack of attention and tending after would most certainly result in a tangled mess of overgrown weeds and undergrowth. Over time, you may very well get yourself a jungle! It is therefore imperative that we understand what art is. In the meantime, though, art is still present, at every point of time, in a myriad of different forms to different people. This means not just the different categories of art and its accompanying styles, but also how each individual chooses to interpret a piece of artwork that is presented to them. For example, L. H. O. O. Q by Marcel Duchamp, the key figure of 20th century art movement, Dadaism, may be understood by one group of people as a mockery of classical beauty, of which some would commend and others disapprove, while yet another group would as likely think of it as akin to doodling on a moment of whimsy. So, in a way, the issue is really a simple and fundamental one that requires a returning to the rudimentary rules and an abandonment of all the lofty ideals that have clouded the concept of art over time. It is with a hint of regret that the only possible definition of art has to be a general one. At present, I choose to define art as anything that, whether it is intent of the artist or not, is understood, in one way or another. I say it has to be understood because we can never perceive what we do not understand. The slant towards empiricism is clear, but makes sense provided we ignore the accompanying conundrum about the ability to perceive the unperceivable because then it would be like two parallel mirrors where the images are never ending reflections of each other. After all, for what other acceptable reason would the Mona Lisa1 be exhibited in a bullet? -proof glass case that obscures the masterpiece itself? On that count, then, the Parisian performance artist Ben Vautier would definitely be counted as art because we know for sure that he himself understands what he is trying to tell others through his work and that there would be people who understand him and contemplate his performance. By the same reasoning, without his placard, Vautier is only art to himself, because to every other unknowing passer-by on the street in Nice, he would just and only be, literally a man sitting in the middle of the street. .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 , .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .postImageUrl , .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 , .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:hover , .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:visited , .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:active { border:0!important; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:active , .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04 .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u613782e8aea9ae82c6c8867a5788df04:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Medal Of Honor EssayHowever, it still remains for us to address the unease that surrounds the whole case study as well as its other similar cases. This unease arises because these cases, in questioning the definition of art, blatantly challenge the age old convention of pairing recognition with hard work. Since art is, as mentioned earlier, about the exploration of what man-kind value most, effort would naturally be seen as a requisite before anything can be acknowledged as art. In early art movements like Neo-Classicism, Romanticism and Realism, paintings were rendered with a great deal of effort in order to depict a dramatic scene in the most realist way possible. Artists like David, Inges and Courbet could spend hours sitting in front of his motif so that they would be able to express the emotions of the artwork with great accuracy. Likewise, later figures like Picasso, at the other end of the continuum, took great pains to construct the composition of a piece of artwork in such a manner that the message to be conveyed percolates to the viewer successfully. Guernica, 1936 is one of his masterpieces where political intent is brought to fruition through Picassos effort. C. S. Lewis, in his essay The Death of Words , lamented on how words had been killed with kindness. By that, he meant that people have been so overzealous about recognising the more important and abstract meaning of a word that they gradually fail to comprehend its original meaning. Lewis then ends with the warning that Man do not long continue to think what they have forgotten to say. So it is the same with art, for we have been so fixated with the idea of effort as an important factor in any arts creation that we forget it is nothing more than a means by which we seek to understand art. Of course, this obsession about comprehension does not signal a propounding toward a stoic, mechanical, and clinically logical way of perspectives because I have never thought that reason and emotion can possibly be two separate entities. In fact, it is the issue of seperability and the relationship between man and art, art and artist, which Vautier questions through his performance. Indeed, it would be an injustice and plain laziness to conclude simply that all Vautier was trying to say is that anything can be art. This is a man who probably related to Rene Descartes, who once said, cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am. It is reminiscent of a literature tutor who urges his students to imagine an authors concerns and thoughts so that they would not miss the humanity and integrity that lies within his book. Personally, Fountain by Duchamp presents itself to me like the result of a reckless and whimsical artist who has passed his confusion to others, thereby making it not an art but solely a medium without an essence of its own. Why did he purchase a ready made item and then simply sign R. Mutt? Is that a piece of art already? Then again, I might be missing the thoughts that really went through Duchamps mind. Perhaps Vautier, in saying he is art, is experimenting with the idea of an exclusion of medium so that we would never come across a case of (no allusion directed towards Duchamp,) empty medium passing off as art. Undoubtedly, there are Vautiers performance can be understood in many ways, but ultimately, what I think Vautier was trying to put across, at a rudimentary level, was that one should never take advantage of the liberty that art has to offer but should instead practice vigilance in our interpretations of art. While he may seem flippant, I believe he equally portrays himself as an idealist who aspires toward an ultimate union between creator and creation, where the strength of the mind finally triumphs and celebrates with the abandonment of the material.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Jack The Ripper Essay Example For Students

Jack The Ripper Essay Jack the RipperJack the Ripper killed five women between the 31st of August 1888 and the 9th of November 1888. They were murdered in Whitechapel and Spitalfields in the East End areas of London, England. The killer was never caught and because of this there are hundreds on his personality and motives. No other killer in the British history rivaled that of the gruesome, mocking, utterly superior Jack the Ripper, a multiple murderer whose arrogance and boldness deified the entire police department of London and held in terror a great city for as long as he cared to roam its streets and slay at will. Mary Ann Polly; Nichols, aged 42, was the first of the Ripper victims, according to dedicated Ripperologists. Her body was found on Bucks Row by a patrolling constable at 3:15 a.m. on August 31st 1888. The ripper had slashed her throat twice, and her abdomen had been savagely cut exposing the intestines. Her vaginal area had also been mutilated. The woman approximately five feet two inches tall with brown graying hair, brown eyes, and several missing teeth. Mary Ann Nichols had a drinking problem and spent most of her life making her earnings as a prostitute. She was a sad, destitute woman, but one that most people liked and pitied. Annie Chapman, known to her friends as Dark Annie;, was a 47 year old homeless prostitute. Suffering from depression and alcoholism, she did crochet work and sold flowers. Eventually she turned to prostitution despite her plain features, missing teeth and plump figure. She was found murdered on Saturday, September 8, 1888. Hey throat was cut and she had been very mutilated. Her abdomen had been cut open and the intestines had been removed and placed on her shoulder. The contents of the pelvis including her female organs and the bladder had been removed. No trace of these parts was found. The incisions were cleanly cut, the work obviously of an expert who had knowledge of anatomy and physiology Elizabeth Stride was born on November 27, 1843 in Gothenburg, Sweden. She was a well-liked woman who people nicknamed Long Liz;. While she may have occasionally prostituted herself, for the most part she earned a living by doing sewing or cleaning work. She had blue eyes and wavy brown hair. Sh e was also plump and missing several teeth. She was found murdered on Sunday, September 30, 1888. Her throat had been cut from ear to ear to the back of the spine, but she had not been mutilated. Catherine Eddowes, called by Kate by all that knew her, had a periodic drinking problem like the other victims which led to quarrels with her companions and family. Kate was born on April 14, 1842 at Gaisley, Wolverhampton. Her friends described her as an intelligent, scholarly woman, but of fiery temperament; though there is reason to believe that she occasionally prostituted herself, perhaps when under the influence of alcohol. As in the deaths of Polly; Nichols and Annie Chapman, Kates throat had been deeply slashed from left to right and the resulting wound was the cause of death. Her abdomen had been entirely laid open with the intestines detached. The next victim was Mary Jane Kelly. She was about 25 years old, five feet two inches tall, stout, with blond hair and blues eyes, and a fa ir complexion. She lived with her cousin in Cardiff and worked as a prostitute. On of her acquaintances said she was abusive when drunk, but one of the most decent and nice girls you could meet when sober;. On Friday, November 9, 1888, she was found with the skin peeled back from her face and her ears and nose cut off. There was a deep cut on her neck from ear to ear. Her abdomen had been cut across and downward with most of the internal organs removed. Both breasts had been cut off and her left arm was hanging by skin only. Her thighs down to her feet had no skin on them. From the testimony of the various eyewitnesses certain probabilities emerge about the killer. No one ever saw the Whitechapel murderer. Many homicidal maniacs were suspected, but no proof could be thrown on anyone. Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, the Duke of Clarence, was known as Eddy. He was the grandson of Queen Victoria born in 1864. The first idea that he was a suspect came in 1970. Dr. Thomas Stowell published an article accusing Eddy of being Jack the Ripper, basing his theory upon some papers of Sir William Gull, the physician of Queen Victoria. Stowell claimed that Gull was Eddys doctor and was treating the prince for syphilis. The disease supposedly caused Eddy to go insane and commit the Whitechapel murders. The killings, which Stowell claimed were committed by Prince Eddy, were to be in retaliation for contracting syphilis contracted during sexual activities. The murders started, according to Stowell, as Eddys infected brain started to deteriorate. None of this can be proven since Stowell died shortly after publishing his theories and burned his papers. Dr. Gulls papers have not been found. Scholars have examined this theory and discredited it. One important factor is that royal records show that Eddy was not anywhere close to London when the most important murder dates occurred. Also, Eddy, who was not considered to be a very intelligent man, did not possess the medical k nowledge to be a Ripper suspect. Aaron Kosminski is described as a Polish Jew and resident of Whitechapel, insane owing to many years indulgence in vices. He had a great hatred of women, especially of the prostitute class and had strong homicidal tendencies. The only bit of evidence against Kosminski was a positive identification by one of the eyewitnesses. George Chapman was born in Poland in 1865. He was apprenticed to a surgeon and later went on to complete his studies at a hospital in Warsaw. He first showed his violent streak when he attacked his wife. She later left him and George lived in common law arrangements with other women that he also treated badly. Three of these women had been poisoned and died. While Chapman was charged with three murders, he was convicted only of the last one and was hanged on April 7, 1903. There were other factors that led to Chapman being a suspect. He was single at the time of the murders and had the freedom to roam around at all hours of the n ight and morning. He also worked a regular job, which kept him occupied during the week but allowed him weekends free when the murders occurred. He was violent and homicidal with women and committed multiple murders of women. .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c , .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .postImageUrl , .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c , .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:hover , .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:visited , .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:active { border:0!important; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:active , .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07dc8345ca77f640ca5a01eb7fa4ef3c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tempest Character Analysis EssayMontague John Druitt was born in 1857 in Dorset. His father was a surgeon. Druitt graduated with a degree in classics and went to teach boarding school. In 1885 his father died and a couple of years later his mother was institutionalized for depression and paranoid delusions. His family had a very pronounced history of depression and suicide. His body was found floating in the Thames River in December 1888. He had been dismissed from his teaching position in November. He had left a suicide note found by his brother expressing a fear that he was going to be like his mother and that it was best for him to die. There seems to be little evidence as to why he was considered a suspect. It seems that the inspectors supposedly had private information that his family believed that he was the murderer. BibliographyColby-Newton, Katie. Jack the Ripper. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1990. The Diary of Jack the Ripper. New York: Hyperian, 1993. Begg, Paul. Jack the Ripper: The Uncensored Facts. New York: Robson, 1989. Sharkey, Terence. Jack the Ripper: 100 Years of Investigation. London: Ward Lock, 1987.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Feasibility of Mango Shake Essay Example

Feasibility of Mango Shake Essay Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Food is arguably the most important thing when it comes to a person’s life. Everyone eats, no matter what kind of diet they tend to have. Everyone just really eats food and that. The great thing about food, however, is that they tend to be quite unique to its location. A dish could be popular worldwide, but it can also be very local and specific to an area. This is mostly due to the fact that food largely reflects local culture. The ingredients and how the food is cooked say a lot about a specific region or country. Siomai in general is a popular food, not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. This is due to its delicious taste and simple preparation. Globally, this type of dimsum originated in Guangdon China (shumai). The other names for siomai are shaomai, shuimai and shewmai or which are traditional Chinese dumplings serve in dim sum. There are many regional version of shumai in China such as huhhot version and cantonese version and from Jiangnanregion. Its introduction and wide acceptance in parts of the world like in the Philippines and other south East Asian Nations, inevitably resulted to the evolution of many varieties, methods and preparation and using different ingredients(The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English, 2009). That’s why siomai industry is becomes very popular because of its unique taste and one of the easiest to make. In Inner Mongolia,huhhotshaomaiis considered one of the oldest varieties of shaomai. Within the dimsum tradition of the southern china, it is one of the most standard dishes. We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Mango Shake specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Mango Shake specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Mango Shake specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is also popular in Vietnam they called it as â€Å" xiumai† one of the producer of siomai and in Japan â€Å" shumai† has also great indication demand of siomai. (Dictionary. coms 21st Century Lexicon, 2011). And in Hongkong many large dim sum restaurants offers scores of different varieties and one of those varieties is the siomai. The larger specialist dim sum restaurants will usually prepare up to 100 of them on any day. In the Philippines, food scene siomai has been causing quite a stir. Low total investment but faster Return on investment (ROI). With the proliferation of all kiosk and roadside stores selling freshly steamed and sometimes friedsiomai at a very affordable price. The family can now fully enjoy the delicious Chinese dumplings any days of the week without losing a big chunk of the already tightbudget (HsiungDeh-Ta. , 2005). In Pangasinan,specifically in Dagupan City, siomai also serves as one of the most popular light meal or snack in malls and sup ermarket. It is a welcome reprieve for the mothers who have kids and who love the tasty dumplings so much, but do not have the required time to regularly prepare one. There are franchisedstalls, such as MasterSiomai, Red Ninja, Siomai House and Shaolin shomai which targets students amp; working people. Chinese restaurants such as a Chowking, North Park, Davids Tea House, Flavors of China, Gloria Maris and many other restaurants also serve this. The proponents decided to enter in this kind of business not only to gain profit but also for their business to generate more employment in Dagupan City, Pangasinan. This is not only for the proponents benefit but also for the community of Dagupan City and to other places as well. Conceptual Framework The researchers used the Input-Process-Output Model in this study. The inputs of this study consist of the five aspects of the business as to market aspect, technical aspect, organizational and management aspect, financial aspect and socio- economic aspect. Descriptive survey method was used in gathering data and information. The formulation of questionnaires, conducting of surveys and one-on-one interview were the instruments used. The output of this study is the feasibility of Q-mai. Feasibility of Q-mai House Input ProcessOutput Descriptive Survey Method, Formulation of questionnaires, Conducting of Surveys, One-on-one interview Figure 1. 1 Research Paradigms As to Market As to Technical As to Organizational and Management As to Financial As to Socio-Economic Statement of the Problem The study sought to determine the feasibility of Q-Mai House, Oh my Q-mai!. Specifically, it sought answer to the question:What is the feasibility of Q-Mai House, Oh my Q-mai, as to: a) Marketing aspect; b) Technical aspect; c) Management aspect; d) Financial aspect; e) Socio-Economic aspect; Assumption The researchers assumed that: 1. Q-mai can be consumed in all seasons, thus, the demand is said to be highly relative. 2. There is no market that offers quail egg siomai in Dagupan City, hence, there is no direct competitor in the industry. 3. The application of a sole proprietorship as a form of business organization is an advantage because it is relatively simple to manage and control. 4. The Q-mai House will help the economy by providing employment and will also help the Government raise its revenues to settle expenses by paying taxes. Significance of the Study This feasibility study onQ-mai House in Dagupan City will benefit the following; Businessmen. This study will provide business people especially the beginners, a background about this business. It will answer the questions: How to start? How to do it? What is needed? And most especially, whoare the potential costumers? Thus, it will prepare the would-be-businessmen on what are the possible risks that should be anticipated involving this type of business. Customers. This study will benefit the customers because they could avail of a product that is affordable, nutritious, safe and readily available. Students. This is useful and interesting as a study guide and basis for those who are taking as a Bachelor of Business administration, that will undergo research, thesis and feasibility subject. Government. This studyhelps to improve our economy as a new and successful business through the business tax that should pay by the proposed business. With effort and interest the government may benefits more, though to the market being collected upon it. Scope and Limitations This study sought to determine the feasibility of Q-mai House as to market aspect, technical aspect, organizational and management aspect, financial aspect and socio-economic aspect. The proponents used descriptive survey method with questionnaire and interview as the primary sources of data and internet and library research as sources of secondary data. To gather data on the market aspect, questionnaires were distributed to and answered by a total of 378 students of University of Luzon. As to the technical, financial, management and socio-economic aspects, observation and interview of existing competitors, internet and library materials were the sources of data. Further, SPSS 17 was used in analyzing the data collected. Definition of Terms Business. Thisisan economic system in which goods and services are exchanged for one another or money, on the basis of their perceived worth. (BusinessDictionary. com , 2011) Entrepreneur. This is someone who exercises initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a good or service will be produced(BusinessDictionary. com , 2011). Feasibility Study. This is an analysis and evaluation of proposed project to determine if it is feasible to market, technical, organizational and management, financial and socio-economic aspect. Financial Aspect. Thisis a study which includes total project cost, major assumptions, projected financial statement and financial analysis. Market Aspect. Thisconsists of market programs and strategies, description of the product, the analysis of demand and supply, and price study. Organizational and Management Aspect. Thisincludes nature and form of the business, legal requirements, organizational structure, human resource management process, management style and pre-operating activities. Technical Aspect. Thisis the discussion of the basic and operation flow of the project. This factorresponds to the technicalities and basic structure of the proposed study. This includes the list of equipments, materials, structure plan and also the source of the supplies use in the proposed project. Business plans, utilities, facilities, layout designs and location. Social Responsibility. Thisis the obligation of an organizations management towards the welfare and interests of the society in which it operates (Baker, 2008). Socio- economic Aspect. This is a field of study that examines the social obligation and responsibilities, and economic contribution of the proposed business. Feasibility of Mango Shake Essay Example Feasibility of Mango Shake Essay Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Food is arguably the most important thing when it comes to a person’s life. Everyone eats, no matter what kind of diet they tend to have. Everyone just really eats food and that. The great thing about food, however, is that they tend to be quite unique to its location. A dish could be popular worldwide, but it can also be very local and specific to an area. This is mostly due to the fact that food largely reflects local culture. The ingredients and how the food is cooked say a lot about a specific region or country. Siomai in general is a popular food, not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. This is due to its delicious taste and simple preparation. Globally, this type of dimsum originated in Guangdon China (shumai). The other names for siomai are shaomai, shuimai and shewmai or which are traditional Chinese dumplings serve in dim sum. There are many regional version of shumai in China such as huhhot version and cantonese version and from Jiangnanregion. Its introduction and wide acceptance in parts of the world like in the Philippines and other south East Asian Nations, inevitably resulted to the evolution of many varieties, methods and preparation and using different ingredients(The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English, 2009). That’s why siomai industry is becomes very popular because of its unique taste and one of the easiest to make. In Inner Mongolia,huhhotshaomaiis considered one of the oldest varieties of shaomai. Within the dimsum tradition of the southern china, it is one of the most standard dishes. We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Mango Shake specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Mango Shake specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Mango Shake specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is also popular in Vietnam they called it as â€Å" xiumai† one of the producer of siomai and in Japan â€Å" shumai† has also great indication demand of siomai. (Dictionary. coms 21st Century Lexicon, 2011). And in Hongkong many large dim sum restaurants offers scores of different varieties and one of those varieties is the siomai. The larger specialist dim sum restaurants will usually prepare up to 100 of them on any day. In the Philippines, food scene siomai has been causing quite a stir. Low total investment but faster Return on investment (ROI). With the proliferation of all kiosk and roadside stores selling freshly steamed and sometimes friedsiomai at a very affordable price. The family can now fully enjoy the delicious Chinese dumplings any days of the week without losing a big chunk of the already tightbudget (HsiungDeh-Ta. , 2005). In Pangasinan,specifically in Dagupan City, siomai also serves as one of the most popular light meal or snack in malls and sup ermarket. It is a welcome reprieve for the mothers who have kids and who love the tasty dumplings so much, but do not have the required time to regularly prepare one. There are franchisedstalls, such as MasterSiomai, Red Ninja, Siomai House and Shaolin shomai which targets students amp; working people. Chinese restaurants such as a Chowking, North Park, Davids Tea House, Flavors of China, Gloria Maris and many other restaurants also serve this. The proponents decided to enter in this kind of business not only to gain profit but also for their business to generate more employment in Dagupan City, Pangasinan. This is not only for the proponents benefit but also for the community of Dagupan City and to other places as well. Conceptual Framework The researchers used the Input-Process-Output Model in this study. The inputs of this study consist of the five aspects of the business as to market aspect, technical aspect, organizational and management aspect, financial aspect and socio- economic aspect. Descriptive survey method was used in gathering data and information. The formulation of questionnaires, conducting of surveys and one-on-one interview were the instruments used. The output of this study is the feasibility of Q-mai. Feasibility of Q-mai House Input ProcessOutput Descriptive Survey Method, Formulation of questionnaires, Conducting of Surveys, One-on-one interview Figure 1. 1 Research Paradigms As to Market As to Technical As to Organizational and Management As to Financial As to Socio-Economic Statement of the Problem The study sought to determine the feasibility of Q-Mai House, Oh my Q-mai!. Specifically, it sought answer to the question:What is the feasibility of Q-Mai House, Oh my Q-mai, as to: a) Marketing aspect; b) Technical aspect; c) Management aspect; d) Financial aspect; e) Socio-Economic aspect; Assumption The researchers assumed that: 1. Q-mai can be consumed in all seasons, thus, the demand is said to be highly relative. 2. There is no market that offers quail egg siomai in Dagupan City, hence, there is no direct competitor in the industry. 3. The application of a sole proprietorship as a form of business organization is an advantage because it is relatively simple to manage and control. 4. The Q-mai House will help the economy by providing employment and will also help the Government raise its revenues to settle expenses by paying taxes. Significance of the Study This feasibility study onQ-mai House in Dagupan City will benefit the following; Businessmen. This study will provide business people especially the beginners, a background about this business. It will answer the questions: How to start? How to do it? What is needed? And most especially, whoare the potential costumers? Thus, it will prepare the would-be-businessmen on what are the possible risks that should be anticipated involving this type of business. Customers. This study will benefit the customers because they could avail of a product that is affordable, nutritious, safe and readily available. Students. This is useful and interesting as a study guide and basis for those who are taking as a Bachelor of Business administration, that will undergo research, thesis and feasibility subject. Government. This studyhelps to improve our economy as a new and successful business through the business tax that should pay by the proposed business. With effort and interest the government may benefits more, though to the market being collected upon it. Scope and Limitations This study sought to determine the feasibility of Q-mai House as to market aspect, technical aspect, organizational and management aspect, financial aspect and socio-economic aspect. The proponents used descriptive survey method with questionnaire and interview as the primary sources of data and internet and library research as sources of secondary data. To gather data on the market aspect, questionnaires were distributed to and answered by a total of 378 students of University of Luzon. As to the technical, financial, management and socio-economic aspects, observation and interview of existing competitors, internet and library materials were the sources of data. Further, SPSS 17 was used in analyzing the data collected. Definition of Terms Business. Thisisan economic system in which goods and services are exchanged for one another or money, on the basis of their perceived worth. (BusinessDictionary. com , 2011) Entrepreneur. This is someone who exercises initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a good or service will be produced(BusinessDictionary. com , 2011). Feasibility Study. This is an analysis and evaluation of proposed project to determine if it is feasible to market, technical, organizational and management, financial and socio-economic aspect. Financial Aspect. Thisis a study which includes total project cost, major assumptions, projected financial statement and financial analysis. Market Aspect. Thisconsists of market programs and strategies, description of the product, the analysis of demand and supply, and price study. Organizational and Management Aspect. Thisincludes nature and form of the business, legal requirements, organizational structure, human resource management process, management style and pre-operating activities. Technical Aspect. Thisis the discussion of the basic and operation flow of the project. This factorresponds to the technicalities and basic structure of the proposed study. This includes the list of equipments, materials, structure plan and also the source of the supplies use in the proposed project. Business plans, utilities, facilities, layout designs and location. Social Responsibility. Thisis the obligation of an organizations management towards the welfare and interests of the society in which it operates (Baker, 2008). Socio- economic Aspect. This is a field of study that examines the social obligation and responsibilities, and economic contribution of the proposed business.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Read This Before Applying to an Economics PhD Program

Read This Before Applying to an Economics PhD Program I recently wrote an article about the types of people who shouldnt pursue a Ph.D. in economics. Dont get me wrong, I love economics. Ive spent a majority of my adult life in the pursuit of knowledge in the field studying around the world and even teaching it at the university level. You may love studying economics, too, but a Ph.D. program is an entirely different beast that requires a very specific type of person and student. After my article was published, I received an email from a reader, who just happened to be a potential Ph.D. student.   This readers experience and insights into the economics Ph.D. program application process were so on point that I felt the need to share the insights. For those considering applying to a Ph.D. program in Economics, give this email a read. One Students Experience Applying to an Economics Ph.D. Program Thanks for the graduate school focus in your recent articles.  Three of the challenges you mentioned [in your recent article] really hit home: American students have a comparative disadvantage for selection compared to foreign students.The importance of math cannot be overstated.Reputation is a huge factor, especially that of your undergraduate program. I applied unsuccessfully to Ph.D. programs for two years before conceding that I might not be ready for them. Only one, Vanderbilt, gave me even a wait-list consideration. I was a little embarrassed at being shunned. My mathematics GRE was 780. I had graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0 GPA in my economics major and completed a statistics minor. I had two internships: one in research, one in public policy. And accomplished this all while working 30 hours a week to support me. It was a brutally hard couple of years. The Ph.D. departments I applied to and my undergraduate adviser all pointed out: I attended a small, regional public university, and our professors spent significant time with students to the detriment of their own publishing.Though I took a heavy load of statistics coursework, I only had two terms of calculus.I had never been published; not even in an undergraduate journal.I aimed for highly-ranked schools in the Midwest like Illinois, Indiana, Vanderbilt, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington University in St. Louis, but neglected schools on the coasts, which might have seen me as a more diverse candidate. I also made what many considered a tactical error: I went to talk with the graduate programs before I applied. I was later told that this is a taboo and seen as schmoozing. I even talked at length with the director of one program. We ended up talking shop for two hours and he invited me to attend presentations and brown bags whenever I was in town. But soon I would learn that he would be ending his tenure to take a position at another college, and would no longer be involved in the approval process for that program. After going through these obstacles, some suggested I prove myself with a Masters Degree in Economics first. I had originally been told that many schools pick top candidates immediately after undergraduate, but this new advice made sense because departments commit considerable resources to their Ph.D. candidates and want to make sure their investment will survive first-year exams. With that path in mind, I found it interesting that so few departments offer a terminal Masters in Economic. Id say about half as many as those that offer only the terminal Ph.D. Fewer still offer an academic Masters - most of these are professional programs. Still, Im glad it gives me a chance to dig deeper into research and see if Im ready for Ph.D. research. My Response   This was such a great letter for many reasons. First, it was genuine. It wasnt a why didnt I get into a Ph.D. program rant, but a personal story told with thoughtful insights. In fact, my experience has been nearly identical, and I would encourage any undergraduate student considering pursuing a Ph.D. in economics to take this readers insights to heart. I, myself,  was in a Masters program (at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada) before I entered my Ph.D. program. Today, I must admit that I wouldnt have survived three months as a Ph.D. student had I not attempted an MA in Economics first.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Whitman V. America Trucking Associations, Inc Essay

Whitman V. America Trucking Associations, Inc - Essay Example In a review conducted by EPA, it revealed that public health can be improved by lowering emission standards for ozone and particulates. The fine particles found in air pollution can cause premature death and chronic bronchitis. On the other hand, ozone can cause lung inflammation and prolonged exposure may cause permanent damage to the lungs. Both pollutants are considered as health hazards since they are closely associated with increased hospital admissions and can cause respiratory problems like asthma and respiratory tract infection. EPA lowered the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) which was challenged by industry groups for failure to account the cost of compliance. The Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the industry groups. Hence, appeal was made by EPA. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the constitutionality of EPA’s delegated power to set national air quality standards for the protection of the public from harmful effects of air pollution, without conside ring the economic costs of implementing the standards. The quality standards set forth by EPA is imbued with public interest for the protection of the nation’s health and safety. The High Court ruled that there was no violation of the non-delegated doctrine and EPA acted within the bounds of the delegated power. The key issue in this case is whether or not the (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) has the delegated legislative power to enact new regulations and set national air quality standards for the protection of the public from harmful effects of air pollution. Under Section 109(b)(1) of the CAA (Clean Air Act) enacted by Congress, it empowered the EPA to set ambient air quality standards and promulgate regulations for identified air pollutants.  When the EPA reviewed this information after five years, the EPA issued an amendment to the Act in Section 109(b)(1), requiring the EPA to set air quality standards necessary for the protection of public health à ¢â‚¬Å"the attainment and maintenance of which are request to protect the public health with an adequate margin of safety.† Plaintiff American Trucking Associations, Inc. brought suit in the District Court for the District of Columbia and argued that the amendment is unconstitutional while at the same time questioned the delegated legislative power to the EPA. The district court held that the CAA did not provide any â€Å"intelligible principles† to the EPA for enacting new regulations, and suggested that the EPA could avoid unconstitutionality by adopting a more restrictive version of Sec. 109(b)(1). The Court of Appeals (D.C. Circuit Court) ruled otherwise by stating that the standard making procedure delegated by Congress to the EPA to set air quality was an unconstitutional and runs counter with Article I, Section I of the U.S. Constitution because it found that the EPA had construed the statute to afford no "intelligible principle" to direct the exercise of authorit y of the agency. EPA misinterpreted the statute believing that the agency can exercise of authority and implement a national ambient air quality standard. The district court remanded the regulation to the EPA for review, and the agency appealed. The Court of Appeals agreed with the district court, thus, prompting Whitman and the EPA appealed to the US Supreme Court. The ruling of the Supreme Court found that degree of agency discretion that is acceptable varies according to the scope of the power conferred to it by the legislature. Administrative agencies, like EPA, are not given full discretion and blanket authority when faced with all-encompassing regulatory

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Interservice Cpabilities for Crisis Response Essay

Interservice Cpabilities for Crisis Response - Essay Example lly, in shall explicit various ways through, which the United States’ Inter-Service Capabilities can be improved in order to ensure that their efforts directed towards eliminating or reducing the crises in the region is improved. It is apparent that there are various issues that triggered the military conflicts in Algeria and Morocco. However, taking a closer analysis of the issues provided in the case study it is apparent that trigger of conflict in Algeria and Morocco are quite different, but the concerned individuals are majorly driven by personal interests. The effective capabilities that can be used by the United States’ Service include: Facilitating Negotiations between the Concerned Parties: It is important that the United States engage create a platform between the concerned parties in Algeria and Morocco in order to determine the root causes of the conflict thereby formulating appropriate solutions. In Algeria, there is a major problem between the Military and the central Government, the United States, through its envoys can facilitate for negotiations between the military and the government in order to create peace between the two groups through reconciliation. Peaceful negotiations are evidently more important as compared to the application of military interventions that basically involve utilization of tremendous use of resources as well as the loss of lives. Peaceful negotiations can also be extended towards countries that support violence conflicts through provision of weapons and funds i.e. in the case of Iran and Sudan. Intensive Awareness Creation among the Groups on the Importance of Peace: In as much as many countries are aware of the importance of peace in social and economic development, it seems that in many cases this information is usually overlooked. It is therefore important that the United States, through its envoys i.e. the US Naval Service or a panel of Diplomats engage in a program that would basically focus not only on military

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Forecast Of Ted Rallley's Company Auto Sales Assignment - 2

A Forecast of Ted Rallley's Company Auto Sales - Assignment Example It also indicates that additive holt-winter model is the second best model in forecasting the auto sales parts of Ted Rallleys company. As the economy change keeps on declining, every play of the economy grows experience the falling trend. The automotive industry depended much on the economic boom. This decline in the economic growth has a negative effect on the automotive industry (Bruns, W. J., & Waterhouse, J. H.,1975). The distributors of the automotive parts have continued to experience heavy losses. And capacity caused by cuts caused by the automakers. The distributors are also facing costly energy and material constraints. It has been raised by the economic analysis that the automotive industry that used to raise over $72 billion has been of the pathetic point since the county has set it on the chapter 11 law of protection. There will be an increasing rise in the number of bankruptcies. A lot of challenges is faced by the distributors of the USA since it very difficult to penetrate the supply chain marker as the chains were established long ago with home marketers. With the economy continuously deteriorating e veryone seems to be getting hurt financially, even the automotive industry, which has to deepen the economic recession. Automotive part suppliers continued to experience heavy debt and overcapacity caused by production cuts by automakers, specifically including the big 3 (Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Chrysler).

Friday, November 15, 2019

The History Of The Galapagos Islands

The History Of The Galapagos Islands Geographically, the Galapagos Islands belong to The Equator, and are situated on the Pacific Ocean near Central America. Its an archipelago composed of 41 volcanic islands. The islands have a population of slightly over 30,000 inhabitants. Historically, the Galapagos Islands were officially discovered by the bishop of Panama, Tomas de Berlanga in 1535. Until the 17th century, the islands are used as a natural water tank and food. What people can find is not only drinking water but also animals in particular tortoises. Unfortunately, lots of animals were used as food and some species were killed off definitely. In 1835, Charles Darwin explored the archipelago. Surprised by the specific fauna of the islands, he studied particularly the geology and the biology on the islands. Thanks to his observations made, he published his first study on the origin of species and the natural selection. Between the 1920s and the 1930s, a wave of European settlers arrived in the islands. By 1934, laws on the protection of the archipelago were promulgated. However, because of the World War Two, some species were exterminated. The archipelago officially became a National Park in 1959. At that period, Darwin foundation was created in order to get funds for the conservation of the islands. Tourism started toward the end of the 1960s. Today, thousands of millions of people visit the Galapagos Islands each year. They are the first site in the world that became a listed UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978. Furthermore, in 2007, UNESCO put the Galapagos Islands on the list of WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER because of the environment threats (mass tourism, overfishing, invasive species). In 2010, they have been removed from this list thanks to the significant progress made by Ecuador. The question that could be asked: what role has tourism played on the Galapagos islands? This study on the Galapagos Islands is divided into three main points. First of all, it will be focusing on the impact of tourism, positive as well as negative, on the islands. Then, it will talk about the management of tourism in that protected area. To finish, it will be discussing the role of eco-tourism in the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands, where Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution, are at risk of being ruined by tourists. Indeed, animals are disrupted by large numbers of tourist abandoning their babies and eggs including the famous giant tortoises. Its a disaster for all fauna on the Galapagos Islands but as well a real risk for the flora. There are so many species on the islands and in the surrounding waters that are now considered critically endangered, while another ninety have been officially declared as vulnerable. In the last five years, more than 100 new plants species have been introduced. Some species of the giant tortoise and the Galapagos mouse have disappeared completely. When visitors are coming to the island they bring with them spores or insects, which can be dangerous for native species. For example, they brought the mosquito of Malaria, who can kill many birds. People are thinking that the Island isnt disfigured by the impact of mass tourism but this is the saddening observation of the latest years. Facts are here and nobody can do anything now. The damage is done. The Galapagos need tourism but in the same time, tourists are damaging the Islands. Tourists need services such as hotels and resorts. They want the same thing they can find everywhere with the Galapagos landscape. They ask for tourist information centres and guides on the islands. These demands are creating a large part of employment on the island. They need transport and airport, which has required the setting up of many buildings. The land used to be a magnificent forest and its now transforming in small urban areas like everywhere in South America. The Galapagos were concreted like Benidorm in Spain. The concrete spoiled the Spanishs East coast. For example forty years ago, people could go only by local supplies boat, but today there are up to 5 flights a day or cruise ship. The government decided to create a highway all around the main island. After a few years of intense urbanism, traffic congestion and a high density of people coming to the tourist attractions, tense relationships took place with local people. Finally in 1997, after years of governmental mismanagement, crucial decisions were made. UNESCO and all the actors of the Galapagos political life decided to create several laws to calm down tensions on the archipelago. They gave priority to the preservation of the ecological system and the biodiversity. The sustainable development on the islands has been one of the most important points of the law. Rising the standard of living for local inhabitants has been implemented. Integrated managements resources have been created to help people. The main goal of this driving change and law was set up to favour a peaceful climate on the Galapagos Islands. We know that a good political situation is essential for the tourism industry. Locals and tourists have to progress a great deal together. In the same environment, they have to live together and change their mind. Thats the real impact of tourism in The Galapagos Island. The development of tourism in the Galapagos Islands has caused numerous changes both on the economic and on the environmental point of view. Over the years, the impact of tourism has become increasingly one of the main preoccupations on the future of the archipelago. The popularity of the Galapagos Islands attracts lots of tourists. However, this massive influx of visitors is presently a threat to the ecosystem because some people dont have concern for our environment. Therefore, though tourism remains the main economic activity in the archipelago, the implementation of rules was necessary to manage tourism in order to ensure the preservation of the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos National Park is the main attraction of the tourists but is submitted to strict rules. Created by the government of the Ecuador in 1959, it aimed to the preservation of wildlife from human influence. Currently, one of the main concerns is the flow of tourists within the islands. In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, the government has set up a management system in protected areas. In 1973, the Management Plan of the Galapagos National Park fixed a limited number of tourists to the islands but over the years the number of visitors has increased. Looking at the rise of tourists, that measure wasnt efficient and so has been reviewed in 1996 focalizing more on the capacity of a site. The capacity is characterised by several parameters such as the time spent in during a visit, the area available, climateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Before their departure to the islands, visitors receive information about the conservation of the islands and are notified of the appropriate behaviour to adopt over there. Once arrived, tourists are strictly controlled; making sure everything is in accordance with regulations. During the visit, tourists are accompanied by a certified guide. Guides play an important role in park management. They have attributed a small group with a limited number of people (by boat or on the terrestrial visitor sites). Their main role is to ensure no one infringes rules and respects the wildlife. Tourists are required to stay on marked trails and are not allowed to disturb fauna and leaving trash. Guides have to pay attention to it to avoid damages on the environment. Guides have to make the tourists realise the importance of such rules by providing information on programs carried out by the Galapagos National Park in order to respect the environment. The Management Plan allows tourists to visit only at selected sites in the National Park and at a small capacity. The visit is authorised in small numbers so that the wildlife and the environment are preserved. The conservation of the islands involves all tourists; they must pay high fees before entering in protected areas. In addition, the Galapagos National Park Service manages the number of people visiting the sites by establishing a specific and fixed itinerary for ships which transports 20 customers or more. The control of tourism is done as well on land as on sea. Different standards are monitored: itineraries for visits, naturalist guides qualifications, the quota of passengersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ All these factors must be conformed to the legislation. The role of visitors is a key point in the management of tourism. Managing visitors consists in controlling the identity of each one (once arrived on the islands, tourists provide their personal information: age, nationalityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Then, the monitoring is also focused on reports made by the guides about visits (number of tourists, duration of the visit). One of the main challenges for park managers would be to regulate the flow of tourists by implementing a monitoring system. Tourism in the Galapagos Islands must continue to attract visitors in terms of education, personal experience and awareness. However, it has been necessary to put some limits to regulate in an easier way the activities within the islands. At last, tourism in the islands is considered as Ecotourism. Ecotourism is defined by TIES (The International Ecotourism Society: a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting ecotourism) as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. (TIES, 1990) The Galapagos Islands have been an ecological destination for 30 years. With hindsight, we can see the benefits of ecotourism in two major domains: environment and economy. First of all, it is clear that people need to work to live, but farming and industry have a high impact on the conservation of the environment. Therefore, Ecotourism has been a way to allow people to work while preserving and protecting the nature. This kind of tourism is educational: it teaches people how to live with and be more aware of the surrounding environmental wealth. As a fact, endangered habitats and biodiversity are conserved because both tourists and local people understand the importance of their impact on the environment. The Ecotourism has permitted tourism to continue and progress in the Galapagos Islands, even if its biodiversity is very protected, thanks to a very strict conservation policy, rules and controls. The low-impact tourism developed in the Galapagos has benefited the islands. As a matter of fact, Ecotourism provides financial motivations that encourage local people to protect the environment and work for it. On an economic point of view, Ecotourism has contributed to raising the quality of life of the natives. It enabled that money spent by tourists (around $1000 per tourist for 2 weeks, so much more than a recreational tourist) goes directly to the locals and not to international companies. This money is reinvested to both increase the standards of living and to finance the Galapagos National Park, in the way to conserve the biodiversity. Generally, in poor countries, the primary resources permit to survive (water, minerals, trees) but Ecotourism in the Galapagos Islands has provided an alternative source of incomes. Indeed, tourism expenses encourage local people to seek for a sustainable job: guide, cleaner, waiter, security, boat owner. Finally, the employment generated by the Ecotourism ensures that fewer people leave for cities. To sum up, the Galapagos Islands example shows that Ecotourism requires a very well balance between economy and environment. There is a real correlation between conservation and development in the Galapagos Islands. As a matter of fact, tourism has a significant impact on the environment, because of the entire town planning it needs, the pollution, the noise, and the constant increase in the number of tourists. To manage this, many rules have been settled to restrict that. Ecotourism was the best way to reduce the environment damages caused by the tourism while keeping an important source of revenue. However, Ecotourism should not become an important economic industry. If so, it will not be called Ecotourism any longer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

the bell jar (book report/ biography of author) :: essays research papers fc

The Bell Jar Suicidal in nature, perturbed in mind, and aimless in direction, Sylvia Plath fumbled her way through her adult life. The main character, Esther Greenwood, portrays Plath in her first and only book. Sylvia Plath conveys her touching story of losing herself, and her will to live, as well as her recovery in her heartbreaking novel, The Bell Jar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plath was not always such a disturbed person. She was born October 27th, 1932 ( ¡Ã‚ °Sylvia ¡Ã‚ ± n.p.). Her mother was a German and English teacher and her father emigrated from Germany at age sixteen to study ministry, and later, science. Sylvia was very close to her father, Otto Plath (Malmsheimer 527). In 1940, Otto, who had neglected to take care of his diabetes, fell ill and died that November. At this point in her life, Sylvia made a 180 ¢Ã‚ ª turn from being a happy, healthy child, to a shattered, lonesome soul (Malmsheimer 529).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sylvia had little interaction with those outside of her household as a child. Her social circle included only her parents, maternal grandparents, her brother, and a few of her neighbors. She lived in the suburbs of Winthrop, Massachusetts near Boston and her father ran their household (Malmsheimer 528).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sylvia ¡Ã‚ ¯s first publication was a short poem in the  ¡Ã‚ °Boston Sunday Herald ¡Ã‚ ± at the tender age of eight years (Malmsheimer 529). In junior high school, Plath decided that she wanted to be a writer. She stuck with that idea for the whole of her brief life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plath graduated from Gamaliel Bradford High School in Wellesley, Massachusetts (Volkman 311). From there she went on to earn the Wellesley Smith Club Scholarship, the Neilson Scholarship, and the Olive Higgins Prouty Fund Scholarship. In the fall of 1950, Plath enrolled in Smith College. Her first year there she was published in Seventeen Magazine and won the third place prize for their short story contest (Malmsheimer 530).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ten years after Plath ¡Ã‚ ¯s award winning short story, her first collection of poems The Colossus and Other Poems, was published in 1960 (Malmsheimer 529). Plath attended Cambridge University in London, England. It was here that Plath met her husband, Ted Hughes, a fellow poet. They were married June 16th, 1956 and had a daughter, Frieda, and a son, Nicholas (Volkman 314). Sylvia later became aware of an affair her husband had been engaging in. This caused the couple to separate (Volkman 316).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The separation from Hughes caused Sylvia great distress. She had previously been hospitalized for attempting to take her own life (Volkman 312).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Complexity of Construction Techniques and Typology

COMPLEXITY OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES AND TYPOLOGY The edifices have become more complex in the modern universe. This grade of complexness is a derived function of an iconic image or most significantly the intent it serves. Different typologies demand different attack in footings of construction and aesthetics, the latter being a major driving factor in modern edifices. Nowadays, many of them have high grades of electrical and mechanical installings, employ sophisticated construction systems and serve changing demands of several terminal users. This grade of complexness differs among laypersons, interior decorators, undertaking directors and building directors. Six cardinal steps of the complexness can be building construction and map, building methodological analysis, the urgency of the undertaking agenda, edifice size/ graduated table, geological conditions and neighbouring environment. Hence, the complexness of edifice undertakings is defined as a typical of edifice undertakings that are convoluted, multifaceted, and composed of m any interlinked parts. Though the complexness can’t be enumerated but taking different edifice typologies into consideration it can be viewed in signifier of proficient complexness of undertaking, sum of convergences and inter dependences in building phases, undertaking organisation, and capriciousness of work at site. The degree of complexness was non different in the common edifices of yesteryear. The nature and sum of hazard was mitigated by repeat of same edifice signifiers for different typologies with building procedure being same in footings of stuffs and techniques and the promotion in engineering was implemented in an incremental mode. The monumental graduated table of the Roman cathedrals, the pyramid, the Grecian temples and the mighty Taj Mahal underwent a complex process of building which evolved as a form with clip. For case, the steps for doing Taj Mahal stable on the Bankss of the Yamuna River the foundation was taken deep plenty to bear the colossal construction. Different typologies of the edifices demanded different graduated table but the nature of building technique was same unlike the present context where options for taking a edifice stuff and the manner are countless. Taking redevelopment of the old heritage edifices into context and besides taking into history the fact of t ransition taking to typology alteration in a child or major manner, the installing of service line and transforming the support system pose strong jobs. The installing of retrofit air conditioning in the edifices and risk-prediction upon refurbished activities are the jobs which are greater than the affected faced of the edifice. The shutting of the gap made for the natural airing to obtain an enclosed infinite further increase the complexnesss. The modern progresss in different typology whether a residential, an institutional or an industrial forced people to look at the construction in a different manner. The perceptual experience of modern edifices has changed over the span of last century. Construction techniques have drastically changed with the inclusion of modern comfortss which have become an inevitable demand. Electrification, air conditioning, composite buildings, drape walls, fire protection, structural damping, automatic controls, computing machine webs and high public presentation glazing are some of them. While choosing the support system and the stuffs the demand for them being taken into consideration is high. They may change for same edifice constituents of the different typologies. For case roofing system for a commercial built signifier varies from that of a residential to commercial and industrial built signifier. In footings of modern building four chief beginnings of complexness are as follows: Refined edifice constituents: For centuries, steel, concrete, wood have been used for centuries as a base stuff since ages. Fabrication of constituents from these stuffs has gone through infinite transmutations. Architecturally in complex edifices today, these stuffs are frequently required to presume 3-dimensional geometries that can non be adequately described with planar programs and subdivisions. In add-on, they need to run into structural and environmental public presentation. Criteria. Driven by the handiness of inexpensive computing machine power and by the pressing demand to conserve resources about any system can be automatically controlled from window blinds to electrical lighting. This system seems to simplify the building procedure but the complexness may non be altered wholly. With greater understanding come more specialisation and frequently more elaborate and complex ordinance. Virtually any signifier can be erected provided it can be made to stand up. The lone restraints on this are aesthetic in footings of beat and economic ( where the repeatability of elements can give important cost nest eggs in fiction ) . The three key quality demands are as follows: Glass has recently been established as a charming stuff since it provides transparence and flow. But, building and managing troubles make glass vulnerable stuff excessively. Initially glass was a symbol of these institutional edifices but in the modern universe glass has established itself as a major driving force in finding the destiny of construction. Glass now non merely is a facade covering component but besides has its varied usage. For case laminated glass is used in flooring every bit good, with the repairing techniques being farther composite in nature. Discoursing a national and an international illustration: I.M. Pei’s invention at the Louvere in Paris divides sentiment aggressively, but, it has decidedly improved things for visitants to this really busy museum who can line up under shadiness. This shadowing factor can be achieved by the agencies of Teflon or PVC awning for little infinites. This material choice would hold besides been based upon the strength of lumi nosity required in the needed infinite. So the graduated table affairs in footings of edifice stuffs and hence raises its complexness. Even for the residential infinites fanlights are most likely beginning of indirect visible radiation into the built signifier and associated with this are the installing and care factor which have to be taken attention of in big commercial infinites like promenades. In another illustration of national importance, Infosys block, Mysore designed by Hafiz contractor: jagged frontages and lopsided fragment manner aesthetics of the package development block. There are no concrete walls in the lift. Laminated glass, dual glazing and ceramic frit glass have been used to organize the outer tegument of this construction. Each lift of this edifice undertakings a alone face. The stairwaies inside are steel, maintaining with the image of the edifice. In such illustration of institutional edifices Prefabricated stuffs have been encouraged due to less handiness of building clip period and several other restraints. Commercial typologies avoid utilizing concrete due to several jobs in past like stain, grading, maddening, checking and curving. The clip factor of building with mention to these prefabricated elements has drastically reduced but at the same clip disadvantages of prefabrication includes: inflexibleness towards alteration in design, joinery and escape, higher initial building cost since, cost is an instrumental factor in make up one's minding the complexness of building and trappings for any typology of edifice. For illustration in instance of any industrial godown or warehouses for put ining a corrugated roofing of GI sheet structural frame work need non be aesthetically appealing but in instance of the same roofing at a resort the construction layout of trussing is taken into consideration in order to accomplish aesthetically sound system, which straight amplifies th e cost factor and farther complexness may increase in footings of silent person supports or laid out projections and pillars. Apart from general building format iconic formats are larger aesthetics concentric. This monumental graduated table can’t conceal the complexness associated with it ; its public presentation standards and long tally are an issue excessively. The Valencia Opera House designed by the Spanish designer Santiago Calatrava took 14 old ages for completion. The edifice described as â€Å"a blend of seagoing vas and spacecraft† or even â€Å"a elephantine warrior’s helmet† is a chef-d'oeuvre of modern architecture. The building required over 77,000m? of concrete, 275,000m? of Earth motion, 1,750 additive metres of hemorrhoids, 38,500m? of granite, 20,000m? of fractured ceramic tile mosaic, 3,360m? of glass, 20,000,000kg of structural corrugated steel and 10,000,000kg of structural steel. The roof or ‘feather plume ‘ is the most structurally dramatic item, 230m in length and dwelling of two ‘shells ‘ which embrace the edifice on the exterior. These are constructed of laminated steel with an approximative weight of 3,000t and feature delicate mosaic ceramic work on the exterior. This portion of the edifice comments the most complex in the full domain structurally. The order of impressiveness can’t be negotiated over the construction as the theatre has a metal shell that tends to clasp as it expands and contracts in Valencia’s day-to-day temperature extreme. Such complexnesss make the building procedure of such constructions on monolithic graduated table problematic. Another illustration of such typology of infinite which requires public engagement and graduated table, Guggenheim museum even the Ti sheets on the exterior facade can non conceal the structural uses of interior infinite. The complexness of insides of this Double tegument construction is apparent from the observation of the art critic Brian O’ Doherty who though being positive about the building’s attack criticizes the museum’s interior effects. In different aspects of the modern universe complexness of constructing building with regard to changing typology of built signifiers viz. institutional, residential and industrial majorly depends upon the its map, graduated table and aesthetics. Renovation of old built signifiers is enumerated among them and chiefly depends upon the services every bit good. Cost and lastingness are secondary factors that determine complexness of a construction to larger extent. Concrete and glass as a edifice stuff have garnered major grasp. Prefabrication highlights the clip facet of building procedure and besides has some disadvantages. Covering with the built signifier the complexness considerations or countries of concern should be taken into history. The demand and aesthetics being chief drive factor for choice of stuff and technique, the complexness of building techniques varies and besides depends upon physical constituents and context.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Effects of Metallurgy On Human History Essays

Effects of Metallurgy On Human History Essays Effects of Metallurgy On Human History Paper Effects of Metallurgy On Human History Paper This moon mental discovery led to all the technology h unmans have ever add and ultimately shaped all aspects of our lives, including science, economy my, architecture, and war. The use Of Bronze made many civilizations rich by supplying trade w says, and even when Bronze became obsolete, it was because of the knowledge of how to w Ark Bronze that led our species to learning how to manipulate the arguably most important mate Arial known as Iron. Iron led to all the navigational tools we used to discover the New World, and a Iso led to major industrial and agricultural tools such as plows and the infamous steel mills in the Industrial Revolution, shaping our modern world. The shift from stone carved tools of the primitive humans to copper and born zee tools was monumental. When this shift occurred, the era that dawned around 3500 BC would later be known as the Bronze Age and it was the first marker for the rise of large, com peel civilizations. The Ancients originally did not discriminate between copper and bronze, but as they continued to make these early metal tools, they came to realize that the bronze ones, we re for some reason far stronger and more efficient than copper tools Pure copper and bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, were used indiscriminately at first; this early period is sometimes called the Copper Age (Bronze Age) . This knowledge was spread throughout Eurasia and Africa thanks to rising civilizations in Asia and the Mediterranean. Groups of people such as the Greg eke, Chinese, and Egyptians became very wealthy thanks to the production of these tools, and t he creation of trade routes they could make a profit from it. In the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedic IA, the reference Bronze Age mentions how this era allowed civilizations to take better advent age of the surrounding and clear out large wooded areas for civilizations to flourish humans were able to exploit efficiently the temperate forests (Iron Age) The Bronze Age led to the very earliest of navigation tools. In Ancient Greece, the production of bronze tools with more than 50 dials were very early astrolabes created by the ancient astronomers. These navigational tools were remarkably advanced, and could do the four basic math functions to help Nava iGATE and locate stars (Scholastic News Edition 5/6). Another major effect of bronze and metal I n general was the creation of the technique of casting metal. Casting metal differed from forging g because casting involved making a clay cast around a wax object and then pouring the molten metal into the cast Molten bronze was poured into the mold, melting and replacing the wax (Cur ray, 35) . This process was so important because a very similar technique was later copied b y the Europeans during the Industrial revolution and is still used today to create large precise metal Structures such as steel bars and supports. While bronze was inferior in many ways to the e metals that would soon be its successor, bronze did manage to completely jump start human civic location and led us to the discovery of altering the much more useful metal known as iron. As the Bronze Age neared its end at around 800 BC, humans were looking to I prove tools even further. This resulted in the discovery of Iron metallurgy. This time marked the beginning of the Iron Age which extends until the present day. The Iron Age w as the beginning of modern technology and uses of metal. With the introduction of iron in the ancient world, Effects Of Metallurgy On Human technology made a huge jump. Iron could be used to make a more durable an d flexible weapon, and also was more abundant in Europe. This led to the major leap forward in agricultural technology. Plows could be made out iron and attached to cows and other lard GE animals to sow fields Goddard plows and wheeled vehicles acquired a new importance and change d the agricultural patterns. (Iron Age). This led to an increase in population support, which in turn led to more citizens with time to discover and invent new sciences and technology y. Iron also allowed things like the compass to be built. In China, the very first compasses were m add using lodestones, or iron ore, and they had dials made of bronze (Anderson, 25). If t here was no knowledge about iron or bronze, then we would be lacking both compasses a ND astrolabes, and we would have never been able to navigate on the seas. Forging iron proved t o be the most useful technology we had developed in the Ancient world. Iron could be used for everything from eating utensils, to cheap wheels, which would revolutionize both travel a ND war, by allowing people to make chariots and carriages. Another feat iron allowed WA s massive deforestation for a growing empire. Iron axes were far cheaper and more dour able, so a group of men could cut down dozens of trees a day,allowing a lot faster collecting of m trials. While bronze certainly served its purpose as a jump starter for human civilizations, t was not nearly as useful as iron was when it came to advancing the tech oenology of humans. While iron and bronze certainly were the driving forces behind technology, the eye also were being utilized by many other aspects of society. One of these aspects is an economy and trade. After the Bronze Age had been around for a couple hundred years, ma NY large and centralized civilizations were forming, such as Rome and China. Like modern day countries, these empires needed a currency for trading and for their citizens to support themselves. In Rome, for example, the Romans used a currency entirely based off of metal c ions. These metal coins are key fragments of history, because of a handful of reasons. The coins from Rome have either dates or important relevant events from that time period imprinted on them, also depending on the material the coin was made out of, and how it was made he Piped show the available technology and available metals at the time when they are found on a given archaeological site, they can help to date buildings and other ruins (Kaplan, 5 4) . The time these coins came from are crucial because they can continue to alter history by tithe ere depicting crucial events we never knew of, and they can help us date ruins they were found in or near so we can get a better grasp of our own histories. All of this information helps us further understand the story of the economic system that evolved into the one we have today. With a common metal currency in the ancient world, commerce was booming . Silk and spices were getting shipped from Asia and India to Rome, while Africa was tar ding ivory and gold for salt (Bentley Ziegler, 488). With all of the trading going on in this time period, competition arose. This is relevant because competition normally led to battle s and war, which was monumentally impacted by both bronze and iron weaponry used through hoot them. With the introduction of bronze, the first swords were made by Middle Easterners and Cells. These long knives were made for personal battles and were adopted by nearly every Inca .NET civilization. His caused the need for armor. Armor was built to counteract swords and for CE the creators of the swords to come up with new innovative weapons to pierce or get around the armor. This conflict is clearly shown with the creation of the Lubberly, which was a Viking s word designed to pierce through the southern Europeans chainman armor. With the introduction n of swords and armor, large battles between enemy nations could ta ke place. While these lard GE battles went on, new things were invented when the Iron Age came along, such as chariots. The sees chariots gave the warrior all the speed and mobility of a cavalry unit and the stability of a gar mounded archer. These large battles eventually were seen throughout Europe and Saiss history sees, such as the Crusades in the Middle East and the conquests of Genesis Khan. However, m teals didnt only affect land wars, but they also greatly affected naval battles as well. In 2011 , a group of archaeologists excavated the wreckage Of a Roman warship from the battle WI the Cartage over trading. Within the wreckage, they salvaged a huge bronze ram positioned on the bow of the boat.